Chapter 9- Let's Run Away Together

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If I have any grammar or spelling errors in the story, please inform me in the comments and I will change it. Thx!


~Your POV~

I was fighting off vampires, like the rest of the Moon Demon Company. While I was occupied with fighting a vampire, another one jumps at me from behind. I braced for the pain, but none came.

Killing the vampire in front of me, I turned around to face Mika-chan. "Mika-chan.." I barely whispered his name between pants.

"(Y/N)-chan, come with me." He grabs my hand and starts to pull me away.

"Wait! Mika-chan! My friends need my help right now! I can't just leave them like this!"  I tried pulling my hand away, but Mika-chan is stronger than me, of course.

"(Y/N)-chan, the humans are just using you and Yuu-chan! They're not your friends!"


Mika-chan suddenly just picks me up. Carrying my bridal style, the leaps away.

"(Y/N)-san!" Shinoa-san was going to come after Mika-chan but is stopped by an attacking vampire.

I struggled to break free, without success. The pleading look in his eyes causes me to stop. I helplessly watch my comrades fight the vampires as Mika-chan takes me away from the battlefield.

He stops at an abandoned house that's still in good shape.

"(Y/N)-chan, wait here." He gently sets me down inside the house. "I'll bring Yuu-chan here and we'll escape together." I could only nod as Mika-chan turns to leave.

Alone, I inspected the room I was in at the moment. It looked like it was once a living room. The furniture still in okay shape. I walked to the nearest window. I could see the battlefield from there.

That's good. If anything happens, I could go help them.

I found a chair that was in decent shape and looked strong enough to hold my weight. Pulling it up to the window, I sit down, calmly watch the battle.

If only I had some popcorn... (A/N: I mean, who doesn't want to have some popcorn while in an abandoned house watching your comrades fight vampires?)

~3rd Person POV~

Ferid and Guren were still fighting. Ferid was an advantage though...

"Guren!" Yuu runs to help Guren. Ferid jumps up right before being hit. Yuu's blade strikes the wall right next the Guren's neck.

"Behind you!"

Ferid's hand grabs Yuu's shoulders. He was now behind them. "First, I'll have a taste of you-" He was cut off as his arm went flying off. The arm that was resting on Yuu's shoulder.

Mika had swung his sword.

"Why the scary face?" Ferid walks away from Yuu, catching his right arm with his left hand. "I'm just fooling around with you."


Mika walks towards Yuu. Yuu steps back a bit, only to trip and fall down. Mika puts his sword back into the sheath. "Yuu-chan, leave everything behind and escape with me."

"Huh? What do you mean, escape? Actually, why are you even with that vampire?!"

"It doesn't matter!" Mika walks over and picks Yuu up, bridal style. He takes a couple steps forward and jumps.

"Yuu-san!" Shinoa says.

"Eyes on the prize, dear." Crowley reaches out and flicks her in the forehead. Shinoa falls over from the force.

Mika, with Yuu still in his arms, continues running.

"Hey! Hold on! Quit messing around, Mika! Give me an explanation!"

"You shouldn't stay there for any longer, Yuu-chan. You'll be deceived by the humans. Come with-"

"Just stop, goddamnit! That's enough!" Yuu pushes Mika away and they both fall onto the roof of an abandoned gas station below.

"They'll deceive me? What are you getting at? Aren't you also..."

Mika looks away, gritting his teeth.


I do apologize for the late update. I've been sort of busy lately...

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