Side Story- O'Hime-sama (Part 2)

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If any grammar or spelling errors are spotted, please inform me! Thank you and enjoy the rest of this side story~


I looked to my side and steal a glance at him. Both he and I had cloaks on with the hood over our heads.

"A week? Is something special going on?" He asks.

"Guess!" I tease him.


Mentally, I let out a dreamy sigh. His face was concentrated with thought.

He looks me in the eye, his sea blue eyes searching for an answer. But I give none away, only a sweet, anticipating smile.

After a few moments, he gives up, "Don't know... Tell me."

I shake my head playfully, taking care to not let my hood slip off, "I'll tell you when the time comes."

I giggle as Mika slightly frowns with frustration, skipping ahead to look at some jewelry lying out on a stand.

Of course, the stones in these accessories were fake, I could tell at first glance. But I still liked looking at the different colors and designs, how they sparkled in every color of the rainbow when the Sun's rays touch them.

"They're pretty, aren't they?" Says a voice behind me. I flinch, feeling a shiver run down my spine as I feel Mika's hot breath on my ear.

I nod, feeling my face flush from how close he was. I pull my hood a little further down my face, trying to hide my blush in its shadow.

"Want one? It's on me." He asks, stepping to my right.

I could get anything I asked for at the castle, which included any fancy accessories I desired and I couldn't let a commoner pay for something so expensive, so I replied "It's fine. Thank you for the offer though."

But Mika was determined to buy one.

He picks up a pair of a bracelet with a sapphire in the center, framed with thin gold wires that formed a delicate and swirly, yet simple design around the blue stone and the wearer's wrist.

He suddenly grabs my right hand and slips the bracelet on.

He examines it and nods approvingly.
"Looks good on you." He says with a small smile, which I return.

The bracelet was pretty too. The blue stone resembled Mika's eyes and the gold wires reminded me of his hair when glazed by sunlight.

He hands the merchant the money and slips on the other pair of the matching bracelet.

The rest of our day was spent away with us running around town.

As the evening sun starts to sink in the sky, we part ways, ending our weekly meet up.


Today is my birthday. The day I turn 15.

The day I'm informed that I'm ENGAGED to some prince from the neighboring country.

Well, sure I'm upset. You mean, you won't be if your father suddenly told you that you're going to be married to a complete stranger that you've never met before?

Father said I'm to be wed in a week. From today onwards, I'm not allowed to leave the castle until the wedding day.

And I know Father is someone who doesn't go back on his words.

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