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It's someone's birthday! Guess who it is!! *Hint: This fanfic is about a certain someone with blonde hair and blue eyes*
You guys are smart. You probably know who it is already(^ν^)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA!!! *cues poppers and streamers* 🎉
I drew a pic of this perfect boy and it's also on my IG drawing account- @tsukiko_draws

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA!!! *cues poppers and streamers* 🎉I drew a pic of this perfect boy and it's also on my IG drawing account- @tsukiko_draws

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Yes, I used a reference from the manga

Ok guys, story time!

I remember picking up volume 1 of OnS last year and handed it to one of my friend who was into vampires at the time. The cover had the words "Vampire Reign" so I thought 'Oh she'll like this!' So I got my friends into OnS before I even read it myself, which is pretty funny to me XD. I didn't actually start OnS until a few weeks after that, after I did some research and thought it looked interesting. I recall googling "Owari no Seraph" and looking at the pictures and saying to myself "I like this blonde boy. He looks cute." You could say it was love at first sight (。・ω・。)

And that's my story of how I got into OnS and loving Mika o(v)o

Hope y'all enjoyed the pic, thank you for reading, and have a good day/evening/night~


Owari no Seraph ~ Mika x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now