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I walked out of the morgue and went towards my Pontiac.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked following me outside.
"I'm going back to her house to ask questions." I said walking towards my vehicle.
"Wait a minute."
"I can't let the killer go!" I yelled at him tears filling in my eyes. "I want justice to be done." I said determined.
"You can't make this personal." Dean sighed.
"It's nothing personal." I said blinking to make the tears go away. "I'll kill it with or without you." I said getting in my car and leaving.


I parked my car in front of miss Langdon's house and knocked on the door.

"Good evening detective." She smiled. "How can I help you today?" She asked.
"I need to ask you more questions." I said. "If it's okay with you."
"Sure, come in." She said letting me in. "Do you want some tea or some coffee?" She asked.
"Tea please." I smiled. I needed to calm down.
"You can wait for me in the living room." She said and left in her kitchen, she came back a few minutes after with two cups. "Thank you." I smiled taking a sip of my hot tea. "Ma'am, is there anyone that has the keys to the house?" I started putting down the cup on the table.
"My mother and my husband." She answered.
"Do you know where she lives?" I asked her.
"My mother lives down the street."
"Where's your husband?" I asked.
"I kicked him out of the house about a week ago because of a really bad fight." She admitted.
"What was the fight about?" I asked interested.
"We fought about who would be Fiona's guardian after the divorce."
"So you two were divorcing?" I asked shocked.
"We were in good terms before this argument." She explained. "I don't think he could've been the killer." She confessed. "He loves more than his life, if he wanted to kill someone that would've been me." She confessed.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked.
"I'm sure. He could never lay a hand on her."
"Can you give me their adresses please?" I asked.
"Yeah sure." She said taking a pen and a post-it. "But I assure you, it can't be one of them." She said handing me the paper.
"I hope you're right." I said taking it.


I went to the grandmother's house first. I knock on the door and she answered me with a sad smile and red eyes. She was skinny with white short curly hair. She had blue eyes and big glasses resting on her nose.

"Hi ma'am, I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm detective Joseph and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions."
"Sorry, we're late." Dean said behind me. I didn't even hear their car.
"This is Agent Williams and Agent Carter, my colleagues." I smiled.
"Come in." She softly said.

We entered the house and sat into the living room.

"What do you need to know?" She asked.
"Your daughter said that she was here the night of the murder, is that true?" I asked.
"It is, she was here five minutes, then left."
"A what time did she arrived?" Sam asked her.
"Around ten pm, maybe ten fifteen." She admitted.
"The murder was around ten fifteen." I whispered to Sam's ear.
"Do you think it could be your daughter's husband?" I asked.
"Maybe. I never wanted her to marry him, because he's not a good man." She started. "He was always beating them up. He washed my daughter's brain and my granddaughter's too. He made them think that they did something bad every chances he got."
"She said they were in good terms for the divorce." I said.
"They were, because he found someone else to mess with. When they started to talk about Fiona legal guardian, things got horrible, she came back here bleeding and crying. I called the cops and now he's in jail." She said.
"Thank you miss." I said. "Before we leave, what was his name?" I asked.
"Thomas Langdon." She said and we left.

It was six o'clock and I bet the meeting hours are closed. We are in the parking of the grandma's house.

"I'll go ask the husband some questions and you look over the miss Langdon." I ordered walking to my car.
"I can come with you." Sam offered.
"And leave Dean alone if things get really bad, we're not taking that chance." I said.
"I can defend myself." Dean protested.
"Sure you are sweetheart." I smiled and he got confused. "I'll call you when I have some news." I said entering my car and leaving.

I went to the only jail in this city and walked to the reception where a muscular Latino man was sat.

"Meeting hours ended an hour ago, miss." The guard coldly said.
"I'm detective Joseph from FBI, I'm here to interrogate Thomas Langdon for the murder of his daughter. I said showing my ID.
"Right, detective." He said and took his walki-talki. "Prepare prisoner 0-670 for interrogation." He said. "Before the interrogation, I'll need to check if you're hiding any weapons on yourself detective." He said and I nod.

After the checkup, I could finally meet Thomas. Two guards opened the door and told me to knock twice when we were done.

"Hi Thomas." I smirked like I was the devil.
"What do you want? I told everything to the cops and they didn't believe me, why would you?" He asked pissed.
"I know things that people don't believe like monsters for starters." I said. "Now tell me everything I should know before I kill you you fucking blood sucker." I snapped.
"It wasn't me, I swear!" He said scared. "It was her, it was my wife."
"How come?"
"I know I wasn't a good husband and a good father, I was always drunk and I hit them... I'm not proud of it. One time i got back from the bar and started to throw think in the house and I hit Fiona... God I'm such an idiot." He sighs. "My wife ran to Fiona's bedroom and she hit me until I couldn't move. She was strong and fast." He explained and it was clear in my head. "She bit Fiona like a monster and then, she smashed her head on the floor. She left and I ended up here." He said almost crying.

I standed up and quickly called Sam. It kept ringing and I got stressed. Pick up the damn phone!

"Hi?" He said.
"It's her! She's the vampire!" I yelled and heard grunts on the other side of the line. "Sam? Sam!" I asked walking out of the interrogation room and the line went dead...

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