Chapter one - A night to forget

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It's around midnight and Anya was still drinking at the bar down the street of her hotel. She drank a perfect bottle of fine whiskey in tiny cups like they were cheap tequila shots, which at that moment she wouldn't have minded having tequila. Anya was flirting with the barmaid rather boldly, but the barmaid wasn't impressed by whatever the hell she was slurring between her lips. Anya was wasted and wasn't in any shape to stand up by herself, she's been in that bar for far too long.

A light tap on her shoulder is felt and Anya turns around, it is Brie. She is standing there as beautiful as ever with a sad smile. Twenty-three years and she still looks exactly what she looked like the day they met. Brie was gifted with immortality, she never aged, she never had grey hair and she never died. Anya thought it was more of a curse than a blessing, which sometimes Brie would agree to not start an argument.

"There you are." She finally says sitting next to her friend.

"Milady." Anya slurs as she take another sip of the strong whiskey in her glass and orders another one right after.

"I gotta get you home kid. Big day tomorrow." Brie says signaling the barmaid to stop giving Anya any kind of alcohol.

"Oh what are you now Brie? My mom?" She giggles at her own childish insult. Brie wasn't impressed, it was a night like any other night for the past five years.

"Now you're just being mean." She says grabbing her friend by her arm and try to make her stand up. Brie pays the barmaid and place an arm around her friends waist and Anya's arm over her shoulders.

"Come on Brie... I wasn even done with my wrink." Anya keeps slurring her way through a phrase which made Brie roll her eyes. Having to take care of a drunk woman that acts like a child wasn't what Brie signed up for when she saved her long ago.

"Why did you drink this time?" She asked a little annoyed.

"Me-M... Lon..." Anya tries to say something but things starts to get blurry for her and her stomach aches.

They get to the parking lot and Brie immediately notices that something is off. It was way too silent. She quickly notices a pool of blood next to a car next to them. The next second Anya grabbed by someone and is thrown a few meters away. You can hear the long exhausted growl that came out from her mouth. Brie doesn't hesitate and spins around to punch her opponent in the face. The woman smiles after that punch and her eyes fills themselves black. A demon... Brie picks her blade that was hiding in her booth and as she does another demon grabs her from behind and throws her next to Anya.  

"I got thos..." Anya tries to sober herself as she stands up and pick the blade from Brie. She launches towards the two demons, but another one shows up out of nowhere in front of her and grabs her by her throat. "Kinky..." She breathes as the blade is taken from her and inserted into the demon making his eyes glow and his grip around Anya's throat is loosened. She drops to the ground and her vision is even more blurry, she can barely see Brie charging the demons.

Brie's blade slashes the female demon's chest and she yells in pain. Brie tried to stab her with it to finish her off, but the other one pushes Brie in the face which made her collapses to the ground. Both demon's kicks Brie until she is too weak to fight back. Brie couldn't understand why she couldn't fight off two demons, they were way too strong or maybe she was too weak. Brie's body was bloody from the kicks they were giving her. Her eyes were locked with Anya's who tried to stand up, by her too was way too weak. She begged in silent for Anya to stay on the ground, she couldn't let her hurt herself. Not in her current state. The male demon picked Brie by the throat and smirked as he saw blood drop form her lips and eyes.

"It worked." He says tightening his grip. Brie tried to gasp for air. "You're way weaker than we thought. You're making our job too easy." He goes on. Brie looks over his shoulders and see Anya pointing her shaky gun towards them. "Boss is going to have so much fun with you." He laughs and a gunshot is heard. Anya missed the man and shot the girl which was a few feet away from them. Right in the stomach. The girl finally drops to the ground with blood leaking out of her stomach and mouth. As Anya tried to shoot second time both of Brie and demon disappear in thin air.

Anya yells her best friend's name over and over until she feels herself too weak and collapses on the cold cement. She was too drunk to save her friend and too drunk to stay awake.


Anya wakes up in sweat and feeling disoriented. She's laying on a bunch of blankets and a pillow on a wooden floor. Her stomach aches and so does her head.

"Morning." The barmaid from yesterday smiles. "I got you orange juice and a sandwich from the store next door." She smiles handing the food to Anya as she stands up.

"What happened last night?" She ask before taking a sip of orange juice. She's not even in her own clothes. "Did we?" She asks looking at her crop top and her leggings which are definitely not hers.

"No of course not." She giggles. "You threw up on yourself when I tried to pick you up from the parking lot. Shitty that your friend left you there." She finishes and Anya understood that what she thought was a pure nightmare was true. Brie was really gone. "Your stuff is on the chair in the corner and you have to be gone in twenty minutes before my boss sees you." She starts and Anya feels helpless, she was confused and hangover. "Keep the clothes, you look good in them." She winks and Anya awkwardly smiles back. As soon as the girl closes the door Anya starts to panic. Who took Brie and why? Anya's breathing is shallow and tears are forming in the corner of her eyes, because of her Brie was kidnapped. She grabbed her stuff and rushed outside in the parking lot to see if and trace of them were ever left on accident. The parking spot was clean, no dead demon, no more blood on the cement. It was spotless as if no one ever was there.

She tries to remember what the hell ever happened, but everything is a blur to her. They left, they fought or, in Anya's case, tried to and they were gone afterwards. What did they look like? Anya paced around the parking lot as if it could help her remember. She finally gets to the side of the bar and discovers something horrific. There was a threat written in blood and a symbol.

"Justice will be served." She reads out loud in shock. The symbol underneath it made Anya's blood go cold. "That symbol." She whispers looking at the bloody symbol. That's the symbol that can weaken Brie and others from her kind. If demons have this knowledge, that mean she's in a greater danger than she though she was. "They won't fuck around for long with her once they get what they want." Anya whispers to herself as she grabs her phone and click on that one contact that made her heart ache. After a few rings, the person on the other side answered a little confused.

"Hey pretty boy. It's Anya. Been a while huh?" She starts almost in tears. "I screwed up and I need your help." She sniffs and she finally smiles when the man agrees. "Okay, I'm in Michigan. Yes I know I have Michigan, but I didn't have a choice..." Her and the man talked for a couple more minutes before they both agreed on a rendezvous place the day after. 

This was going to be one hell of a night for Anya all of her thought were going to be preoccupied with saving Brie, but all she could think of right now was that she will be able to see that cocky smile she adored and theses eyes that read her like his favorite book. He was the same man who once held her heart and the same one who shattered it.

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