A Year of Torture 12/31/14

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If I could change one thing this year
It would be that it's 12 months.
I'd kill to only remember December
And forget the other 11.
It's just been hit after hit
Life beating me while I'm down.
I've shed more tears in 1 year
Than I have my whole life.
I've abandoned good friends
And my cousin's now in heaven.
I've made a fool out of myself
And let myself down.
Not even the holidays
truly turned this year around.
I saw my father once
In 365 days,
He didn't even visit
after I had surgery.
That was a bust too
ruined my whole summer.
And I didn't do the work due after
So of course I nearly failed first semester.
My transcript is screwed,
My love is taken,
I lost a bunch of hair,
I lost a bunch of sleep.
I just want midnight to come,
For the ball to drop,
For a fresh start.
I need a year to undo all the damage
To fix all I have broken.
I gotta make things right,
Before it's too late.

This has been 365 days of torture,
Pain, blood, and tears.
It's time for me to heal
My scars from this year.  

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