Chapter 4: I Can Get Better

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After several attempts of her trying again, the results weren't any different. She still couldn't cut deep enough to kill a Titan. Finally after the tenth attempt Levi yelled, "okay, let's stop."

" No! Just one more time. I promise this time I'll get it!! I'm serious," Harper yelled in despair.

"No, come here," Levi said.

Beginning to cry, Harper responded, " No, sir, I promise I can do this just let me try one more time." But nevertheless, Harper walked over to Levi.

"Here, hold them like this," Levi said, rearranging the way her hands were holding the sword. Turning Harper around, Levi gave her a gentle push on to the course.

Holding the sword firmly in her hand, Harper once again began maneuvering her way through the course but this time she felt something was different. The swords felt like they belonged in her hand. She continued until she finally made her way back to Levi. He was standing with his usual scowl and bored stance, but this time she thought maybe she saw something different in his eyes. Maybe she was imagining it, but whatever it was, it was gone as soon as it had came.

"Nice job, brat," he said as nicely as he could manage. Oh shit.. I'm the only one that I've ever known of that holds blades like that. That's kind of weird... Levi thought, eyeing Harper suspiciously.

Her eyes lit up at what seemed to be a compliment and a huge grin spread across her face, "Really?"

"Yeah, yeah. Now you need to get some sleep, you won't ever be able to kill titans if you die of sleep deprivation first," Levi mumbled, trying not to smile. That was so unlike him, but he felt very happy whenever he saw her huge childlike grin. He knew that he had at least done something right.'

"Yes, sir," she said dejectedly. She had really wanted to work more on her technique now that she was finally able to hold the blades right, but she knew that Levi was right.

Levi turned to walk off, but stopped when Harper suddenly spoke up, "Thank you, Captain Levi. I never thought I would be able to get that down, but you really helped me."

He turned around to see her looking shyly at the ground, "Tch, it wasn't that big of a deal. But, if you want to catch up then there is a lot that you'll need to work on. I'm assuming I will be able to find you practicing again tomorrow night?"

"Oh, umm. Definitely!" she said, looking up with a smile still on her face.

"Okay, good," he said walking off again. He wasn't sure what got into him, but he wanted to help her. Maybe he saw something of himself in her; she was so young and naive, and she seemed to act childish, but he could tell that there was something a bit deeper. He knew that there was something wrong... something that not everyone saw, and maybe he only did because he had experienced it himself. Loneliness and loss. Those were two things that he knew well, and maybe that was the reason that he decided to continue helping her.

Harper stared after him for a few moments before trudging off towards the barracks. She couldn't believe what had just happened, Captain Levi had helped her and offered to continue doing so. She quietly opened the door and tiptoed to her bunk, climbing up as quietly as possible so that she wouldn't wake up her roommates. Her vision became blurred as she dozed off into a deep, and much need sleep, still replaying the night's events in her mind.

And that's how it continued. Almost every night, she and Levi would train. Soon, many people began noticing how much she improved, even Erwin and Hanji.

"It's crazy. In just a few weeks she began showing signs that her technique had improved and even her physical strength is increasing," said Commander Keith one night while he was talking to Erwin, Hanji, and Levi.

"Wooaah!! Maybe she has magical powers or she's a titan like Eren," exclaimed Hanji, frantically waving her hands.

"I doubt that Hanji. Maybe she just didn't really try at first and seeing as after her punishment she was almost dead, she began to try so she wouldn't get punished," replied Erwin. Levi almost smirked, seeing that they couldn't figure out the real reason.

"But nevertheless, she has potential to join your squad, Levi. That is if she decides to join the Survey Corps," said Erwin.

During all the training, Lucy and Harper began becoming great friends. Harper slowly began coming out of her shell. She talked more, smiled more, and even began to act a bit like herself around Lucy but not around anyone else. Harper looked up to Lucy almost like the mother/older sister Harper never had. And Lucy treated Harper as the little sister she never had. One day both girls were sitting in the dining room, eating lunch, when Lucy took notice of the bags under Harper's eyes.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you this. Have you been sleeping well? Does this have anything to do with your improving technique," she asked.

"I'm fine. But I'm going to let you in on a little secret that you have to promise that you will absolutely positively not tell anyone, okay?" said Harper, whispering in her ear before she proceeded to stick out her pinky. Smiling, Lucy entwined their pinkies before saying, "I promise."

"Captain Levi from the Survey Corps has been secretly helping me," said Harper, smiling wide. Lucy was worried for a second. But everyone says he's so mean, Why would he help Harper? She thought. But noticing the great, big smile on Harper's face, she dismissed her worries. If he was truly mean to her, she would have been crying by now. She thought.

"Harper, I don't want you to train too hard, and forget about sleeping and resting, okay? You may start having the best technique but none of that is going to work against a titan if you fall asleep while you battle it," said Lucy, turning on her motherly nature.

"Aye aye Captain Lucy," said Harper, making Lucy smile.

Finally it was the day of their graduation. Everybody either knew where they wanted to go or they didn't. But only the top ten were allowed to go into the Military Police. Harper surprised everyone when it was announced that she had graduated at the top of her class while Lucy graduated in 12th place. Finally at the end of it, it was time for the commanders of each regiment to come up and deliver a speech as to why they should join said regiment. Of course, Commander Erwin scares almost all the cadets away when he delivers his speech, even if there is a less likely chance you'll die in battle with a Titan. So finally when Erwin finishes his speech by telling the cadets that if they do not wish to join the Survey Corps they should leave now, almost all the cadets leave except for Harper, Lucy, and a few other cadets.

"Look Shorty, it's that girl," Hanji said, pointing at Harper. "I hear she's gotten better. Better than even Mikasa and now that she's joining the Survey Corps, Erwin is probably going to put her in your squad," she continued. Levi thought about it for a moment. I guess having her on my squad wouldn't be that bad he thought. He was surprised to learn that she didn't annoy him as much as the other cadets. She was quiet, naive, and obeyed his every order.

Hanji, on the other hand, was surprised that Levi didn't get mad at her for calling him shorty.

Harper was bouncing with excitement.

"Imagine Lucy!! We'll get to go outside the walls and...and fight Titans to help humanity!!!"

"Yeah, that's great. But I'd rather study the Titans. Their genetics are quite weird," said Lucy. 

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