Vexen x reader

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Finally! A day off! No missions, no chores, just you and your quiet room. You couldn't wait to just relax. When you got to your room you changed out of your cloak into a more cool outfit, seeing as it had been so hot recently, and flopped oh-so-gracefully onto your bed. You sat there staring at the ceiling and doing close to nothing. After about two minutes of that, you started getting anxious. You couldn't just waste your day off sleeping! So with a grunt, you got off your bed and entered the hall. "Jeez, did Axel's ego inflate, or is it just that damn hot out?" You say, walking to the living room. You saw Marluxia there, but no one else. You approached him, and he gave you this weird look, like he was scanning you. "Hey, Marluxia, do you know where everyone is? I know I'm not the only one with the day off." He looks up at you with a slight smirk, "Not necessarily, why?" You shifted your weight to one leg and crossed your arms. "Because I'm bored, and I don't want to waste my day off doing nothing." He stands up, and gets a little to close for your liking. "Well I know something you could do to occupy your time~" You glare at him, nostrils flaring as you exhale heavily. You both just stand there, waiting for the other to answer. Finally Marluxia sighs and sits back down. "Axel and Demyx went to the beach, Xaldin is who-knows-where, and Vexen is cooped up in his lab." You give him a slight pat on the shoulder as you leave. "Thanks Mar!"
The walk to the lab was tiring, and by the time you got there, you realized you could have opened a corridor of darkness and been here in 5 seconds flat. "Welp, there goes 7 minutes of my time." You go to the door and give a loud knock. "Hey, Vexen, you in there?" A muffled "yes, what is it" is the response. "I'm bored, and no ones around." You get silence, and then the door opens with a heavy creek. "Well I don't know why you decided to come here." He said with a chuckle. You walk in and Vexen closes the door behind you. You then realize how dark the lab really is. Theres a couple lights here and there. You tried walking to the table that was the most lit, but you bumped into several things. When you finally made it to the desk, you used the light to see more of your surroundings. When that didn't work, you tried feeling around, you began wandering away from the desk, but were pulled back by an arm snaking around your waist. "Stay" was all Vexen said before he resumed work on, whatever it was he was doing, arm remaining around your waist. There were many beakers of varying sizes and shapes, all filled with different, brightly colored liquid. You couldn't take your eyes off of it all. "What, what is all this?" His head moved slightly, as if to see what you were taking about. "An experiment" he says while chewing on the end of a pen in concentration. "What does it all do?" You ask while reaching out to a beaker filled with a bright purple substance. Vexen grabs your hand and pulls you to a desk slightly away from the one with the experiment and picks you up and places you on the desktop. "Stay here, and no touching."  "But I wanna know-" his hands are beside you on the table top. "Anything." I wasn't gonna do-" you never finish your sentence, because his lips cover yours, stopping you from speaking. He pulls away slightly, your noses touching. "Got it?" You nod your head, he smirks. "Good." And with a quick peck on your lips he returns to his experiment.

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