I pulled into yhe drive way of James house, and turned my bike off. We both got off, and walked over to the front door. James opened the front door, and we went in. I took my jacket off, and felt a pain in my stomach. I looked down, and remembered I had a bullet in me. I took my shirt off forgetting where I was, and put my hand over my stomach. I managed to get the bullet and it pieces out. I threw it away, and looked at my blood stained stomach. I would take a shower, but I have no clothes to change into after.
"Hey shirtless..." James said from the kitchen door, and I looked up to see him leaned on the doorway looking at me. "Where'd your shirt go?"
"In the trash." I say pointing at the trash can.
"Because it has blood all over it."
"Would you like to where one of my shirts?"
"Um... I guess."
"Button up or normal?"
"Surprise me." He smiled and walked out of the kitchen. I sighed and looked at the hole in the middle of my stomach. "Alright how about we make the healing process quicker." I say to myself before closing my eyes, and feeling the wound on my stomach begin to heal. I waited a few second before opening my eyes, and seeing a scar on my stomach where the wound was.
"Ann." James called and I looked up to see him walking into the kitchen with a black button up shirt in his hand. He handed it to me, and I took it, and put it on buttoning it from the middle and going down. I then moved up. And stopped at the third button from the top.
"Thank you very much." I say looking at him and he smiled. He then lost his smile. And grabbed my left hand. A sign he wanted to say something important.
"You do know I'm here for you right?" He asks looking into my eyes.
"Of course I do."
"And you know that I will help you with whatever it is you need help with?"
"Of course I know that. Why do you ask?"
"Because I care for you, and I want you to know that I'm here for you. If you want to stop killing I understand that you will have your rough times through that, and I'm here to make sure you don't hark yourself. Or others."
"I know. And I appreciate that very much. I am happy that you care for me. I don't feel alone when I'm with you. It makes me feel like someone cares."
"And Neil is there for you too."
"Well right, but he is a killer and I dint think he'll be stopping anytime soon."
"Actually he went to go to where he works, and quit his job."
"So he does have a job."
"Yes. He is an assassin."
"So you guys are legit about this, huh?"
"If I weren't serious you wouldn't he here."
"Thats true." I looked down at the ground, and closed my eyes feeling my anger rise.
"Are you okay?" James asked and I looked at him.
"Yeah. I'm just... I don't know. I just started to feel angry for some reason."
"Wanna go to bed?""No promises that I will be asleep."
"At least try."
"Okay. You have to get ready for bed."
"You're right. I'll he back then. With pajamas on."
"Okay." He walked away and I waited fir him to come back so we could go to bed.

The Killers Eye's
HorrorAnnette is a killer no doubt. She has no mercy for anybody when she has a knife in her hand. Although when she has to take a bit of time away from killing this causes her to see and hear things that aren't really there, and she becomes a danger to e...