Last Ride In

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I watched at people avoided the broken glass and large bed planted on the side walk, nodding my head, I walked with my stuff in hand.

The New York City traffic as crazy as usual, people avoiding the almost crushed car.

"Collin!" I heard being faintly yelled, I ignored it. I didn't need anymore shit.

I didn't know where to go nor what I was going to do but I had a few hundreds in my suitcase and maybe I'd find some hotel, I'm not staying planted on the streets.

"Collin, wait up!" I heard the voice come closer. I picked up my suit case, walking faster.

"Can you hold up?" I heard before a hand grabbed my shoulder, turning me to them.

"What do you want?" I snarled, turning my head to them. The boy with the faded bleached hair raised his hands in defense, backing up slightly.

"I thought you were someone else." I murmured. "What's up?" I asked, looking at his droopy eyes.

"Do you have anywhere to go, at all?" He asked, scratching the back of his head.

No, I don't have anywhere to go but I'd rather not stay with you nor I don't want you joining me. Especially with a sour ass. "Yes, I do." I lied, flipping my hair out of my eyes.

He smirked, crossing his arms. "Are you sure?" He asked, "I think you're lying." He chuckled.

"I'm not lying." I retorted, keeping a straight face. "I have family here, I shouldn't have even been in that hotel in the first place." I blinked rapidly.

"Just come with us Collin, I know you're lying." He laughed, grabbing my suitcase.

"What?" I whined, following him. "I'm not lying." I protested.

"Then why are you following me?" He laughed, walking faster. "Fine." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Our manager is pissed but, he got us rented us a room where we won't destroy everything, we all did it and we won't leave you alone." He said, nonchalantly.

"What about your manager, what will he say?" I asked, biting my lip.

"He's in California, I don't think he'll know." He laughed, getting closer to the blue and green haired boys.

"Oh and heads up, Billie is pissed, a lot. Don't talk to him and avoid hi, for a while, he'll cool down." He warned, moving through the crowd of people.

"What a joy." I sarcastically said, coming to a stop.

"Hail a taxi, we need to get out of here before the police do." Billie groaned, kicking a rock to the road.

Tre walked forward, raising his arm, whistling, along with an older woman, who got in before we could, smiling to herself in victory.

He tried a few more, before I tried, yelling like an idiot.

"Ha." Billie laughed, leaning against the wall. "You find it funny? You try." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." He smirked, repeating the same as Tre.

He yelled, flailing his arms around looking like a clown.

"Move over." Mike said, walking into the road, putting his arm out, stopping a taxi.

"It's that simple." He said, grabbing his stuff, asking the man to pop the trunk.

We shoved our stuff in the bag, climbing into the back, leaving Mike in the front.

"Thanks man," Mike said, giving him a location.

I sat in between Billie and Tre, uncomfortably crossing my arms.

I literally only met them five hours ago and now I'm rooming with them.

What a turn of events I've had today.

Castaway ➵ Billie Joe Armstrong Where stories live. Discover now