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The halls were empty today as everyone was in a rush to get home, all excited for the weekend, cozy homes and late night movie marathons. I sighed for the tenth time today as I walked through the hallways, bag slung over my left shoulder, phone in hand.
A few teachers remained until the time of lockdown but I doubt Id ever come across one as they might be so invested in compiling the final grades of the students.
It wasnt I who just lingered about as I heard the sound of footsteps I know too well.

" About time you got out of detention." I turned to meet her sheepish gaze

" Geez, can we not talk about it right now?" She pouts as we walk out the hallway and towards the entrance of the school. Rain started pouring as we stepped out of the doorway.

"Great. We dont have umbrellas." Ayame groaned and slumped against the wall.

"We'll wait for it to clear up." I rolled my eyes "What did you do again?"

" Nothing really gets past you Charles." she smiles " I was eating chips during chemistry class, and Professor Jenkins being the ever irritated teacher she is decided to chew me out and give me detention."

" You know you should stop doing that Ayame. Were about to graduate." I frowned at her

" All the more reasons to have fun Charles. You should try it sometime." Ayame grinned proudly "Anyway, whats the plan for this weekend?"

"Pizza and bourbon?" I reply almost too eagerly. Its always been like a small ritual for the both of us when the weekends came yet we were nowhere getting hammered as Amelia, my oldest brother's fiance watched us like a hawk in his stead or most of the times it would be Rose, who was my nanny since I was 9. She'd scold us for drinking that was way out of her limit rule and then hide the stash away.
Sebastian, my other brother on the other hand is a better company, he joins in.

" Ah I like what youre thinking."


The downpour stopped after a few minutes, as if mother nature was having another one of her moodswings. We made it to the sleek black car sitting in the middle of the parking lot, settling in, I started the engine as we drove through the gets and into the busy city. The ride went on in silence, lofi music playing softly in the background as we relished in the small peace we had. 20 minutes later, I pulled into the small parking lot of my house, the gates shutting automatically behind us. Ayame was the first one to get out, taking both our bags and walked up the small flight of stairs that led into a small hallway that stopped underneath the large staircase. I looked around to hopefully find Amelia, seeing her lip balm on the table of the living room only indicates that she's home, she never leaves the house without it. She must be asleep.

" Rose?" I called out, setting my bag down on the other table in the room

"Kitchen!" her voice flowed through the house, Ayame winced in exaggeration

" Ah the energy of the old. She still can yell at us and we'd hear it across the house." Ayame snickered as she dialled the pizza place, ordering 3 boxes of pepperoni pizza.

" She'll hear you, you idiot. " I jabbed her in the side as she stifled from crying out into the phone "Whatever, Im going to shower."

I jogged up the staircase only to run into a groggy Amelia, she gasped realizing it was me, the diamond ring glimmered in the light as her hand laid upon her chest.

" Charlotte! You almost scarred me!" she gasped

" Surprise?" I smiled nervously, my foot on the first step of the second flight of stairs

" Atleast it isnt Ayame or I wouldve died." She sighs and made her way down the stairs

" I heard that." Ayame's voice came from below, Amelia could only shrug as she past by her, a grin on her lips.

After having a quick shower and a fresh change of clothes, I walked out of my room to face Ayame. Who's lived in my house,  after becoming immediate friends in freshman year, we built our bond until Elijah noticed this and offered her to stay here instead of the small rundown flat she owned saying it would be best for both of us as she was my only friend who had made the best bond with me.

" That's just a lot of stairs." she groaned beside me

" Get used to it, youve been here for 2 years Ayame." I scolded her for complaining about it

" Can I just sleep in the living room? This is really getting tiresome."

" Oh piss off."

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