[49] Court

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" Good morning Jinhyukie~ Good Morning Baby... I'm so excited, Its my last day of trial ^^ Daddy will met you tomorrow "I said

" Aish Jooheonie!! Wae you act sweet? "She over the phone

" Because I will act this way to you for years past and specially after our wedding "I teased

" Wedding your face "She said

" Jinhyukieee!! Babyyyy did you hear your Umma? Umma is teasing Appa againn!! "I said

" she can't hear you~ She's on nap "She said

" How did you know that She is a girl? "I said

" Because I am the mother "She said

" Okay.... Did you eat your breakfast? Do the heavy breakfast ah~ "I said

" YES SIR!! "She said

" Okay, Don't eat too much fish! I dont want baby to have a tail "I said

" Hahahaha Do you think pig, doesn't have? "She said

" But Chicken doesn't! "I said

" Okay Okay just let me eat first "She said

" Okay Jagi ^^ Have a good day~ Take care of baby, Annyeong~ "I said

Then the call ended
I'm happy because She's not afraid or scared of me anymore~

Something I can't stopped myself crying when she's singing over the phone...
Because That Lovely voice will repeats as years goes by.

" Congrats~ Your on the last trail! "Appa appears

" Kamsahamnida Oppa~ But- what are we doing for my last trial? "I asked

" Its not us, You will do it by yourself~ Go and Pack your bag! "Appa said


" So Jooheon? Why did you call out the media? Are you planning for the comeback? "Interviewer asked

" Ani "I said

Now, I am ready to reveal it~
This is for my future~ our future...

" Mianhae- for the people who loved me... "

Then they all began to quiet..

" Kamshamnida for all the support... "

A tear goes down to my face

I'm the only one who face the media, I didn't tell it to Monsta X too

" Starship... "

" Staffs.... "

" Byuntae fans even the sasaeng fans.... "

" and Monsta X "

" Specially to Monbebes... "

" But now I quit to Monsta Xue "


" Its not us, You will do it by yourself~ Go and Pack your bag! "Appa said

" Huh? Waeyo? "I said

" I know that work is very important in our lifes, but you need to quit to Monsta X. For you and Jinhyuk... And go find another work "Appa said

" But- "I said

" Career or Your own Baby? "Appa said

I can feel some loneliness but I need to be sellfish~

" Okay Appa~ "


" But Why? Your leaving? Any reason? "A Interviewer breaks the silence

" I am the father of Jinhyuk's Baby... "

" Jinjja? "Interviewer said

I just silently nod

" JOOHEONIE OPPA DON'T CRY "a Monbebe shout

" J.HEON SARANGHAE!! "Another Monbebe shout


" J.HEON!! J.HEON!! J.HEON!! J.HEON!! J.HEON!! J.HEON!! "They Shout makes me cry harder

" Sarangahae... Mianhaeyo... "I said

After the conference, I go to the Dorm... I step in~
Their all in the Living Room

" Annyeongha- "I said

" Seat! "Manager Command

I sit beside I.M

" So~ You lost for 2weeks and now you just leaving the group!! "Manager said

" Mianhae... "I said while looking on the floor

" No!! You will not leave!! "Manager shout

" But- "I said with nervous face


" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! "They all laugh

" Waeyo? "I'm so confused

" Hahahaha Your faceu HAHAHAHA!!! its priceless!!! "Kihyun cried out

" Waeyo? I can't understand you guys "I said

" Okay Okay Hahaha~ Stop guys!! "Manager said

" Yes!! You can leave the group but you will be still at ours!! "Manager said

" Huh? "I said

" You will leave the group but You will be our Composer & Lyrics Writer and you will also help us in choreography "I.M said

" It means I'm still at the group "I said

Then all nod like a puppy in the taxi~

" T-thank you!! "I said and hug them all

They are the best guys ever.....

Jooheon's Baby ✔ • Lee Jooheon Book I & Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now