[50] The Lasts

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Maybe its not a fairy tale...

Or maybe not the best love story ever....

But I will love the girl who I waited here at the front of the altar...

Maybe the dress is so fitted to her because of our little big baby bump

But It looks so cute~

I need not to cry, because I will be look like a gay in our special day~

" Congratulations Hyung~ But I'm jealous.... I'm should be the one who waiting her at the front of the altar... "He whisper to me, Their all behind me and Zico too (I got many Bestmen)

I give him a death-glare

" Just Kidding "I.M said


" OMO!! CONGRATULATION UNNIE!! "Seunghan, Jichan, O.Jung and Rea Shout

" Don't shout baby will be stress "SuYoon said

Were here at my room, fixing myself for our special day

" Unnie are you sure your not hurt? Because I think you Wedding dress is too fitted to you... "Jichan

" Baby? This is YeonHun-Auntie, Are you okay there? Be behave... Your Umma and Appa just have wedding so don't be naughty "Rea said while massaging my baby bump...

" Listen to Yeonhun-Auntie.. "I said to my baby bump

" To Jeong Cheol Auntie too "Seunghan said

" To Jichan Auntie too.. "Jichan said

" Jeongwoo Auntie too "O.Jung said

" And specially to SuYoon Umma!! "SuYoon said

" Unfair!! "They all said except SuYoon

SuYoon just smirked

" Amm? Madams? Are you ready? The car is ready to go.. "One Staff said

" Be happy at your wedding day.. "They said

The staffs helps me to walk to the car
When I arrived at Church, They were all ready.

" Come on? "Appa offer his arm

I put my hands around it...

" Kamsahamnida Appa, Sorry for all- "I said

" Sshh!! Its okay... Be happy its your wedding day.. "Appa said

The I hear Organ inside the church starts to play...
The Door Opens,
As the bride I am in the last...

But, the reality is~ we didn't practice our wedding entrance, They just explain to me what will do..

As the honors walks, I slowly showed up to them~
I can see Jooheon's Deep Dimples at the end of the way...

I smiled as I saw him~

That man....

That faceu....

That guy....

Is the one who I loved until death..

Whe I stepped in the firsts tiles of the church I feel some crump of my back...

" Ouch~ "

" Are you okay? Hyukie? "Appa asked

" Nothing "I said even I can feel some crump...

We walked to the hallway with smiles on our faces

Jooheon's Baby ✔ • Lee Jooheon Book I & Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now