Part 13

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Amys POV:

It is now Saturday, no work until Monday which I was pleased about as I got to spend more time with Mason.

It is currently 11am, Liam has just come back from a 4 hour morning at the studio. We were all sat around in the living room watching Mason jump up and down watching Teletubies.

"So have you thought about when you're going to tell Niall?" Emma said looking back and forth from me and Mason.

"I really don't know maybe some day this week? I just don't know how to tell him" I said looking Emma in her eyes.

"Tell him everything you told us" Liam smiled not taking his eyes off the dancing infant.

After our long talk I took Mason upstairs and got him ready in his Jeans and a grey jumper top and he demanded on wearing the snapback Liam bought him. He looked adorable.

Mason wabbled downstairs holding on the stair banister with his hat in his hand.

"Amy, me and Liam where thinking maybe we could text Niall so you can talk?" Emma said putting Masons snapback on.

"Erm, yeah ok" I said putting a fake smile on my face with my hand on top of Masons head.

"Im going to take Mason to the park, Do you want to come?" I looked at Emma

"Yeah course, Liam are you coming?" Emma asked Liam

"Yeah lets just go cover up this" He said circling his face with his pointer finger.

Liam put on some sun glasses and a snapback with a baggy hoodie with the hood up to cover up.

We all walked to the park, me holding Masons hand in front and Emma and Liam holding hands.

Once we reached the empty park Mason wobbled off in front and went straight to the climbing frame.

"Uncwle Wiam Mwe want to gwo on hwere" He said pointing to the monkey bars, Liam held his waist whilst he moved from each bar.

After 10 minutes of playing I started pushing Mason on the baby swing.

"Amy, I texted Niall to come down so you can talk" I heared Liam shout from the bench where him and Emma where sat.

"Ok" I said in more of a mumble.

After another 10 minutes a man came in with blue Jeans and a hoodie with the hood up came in the park. I knew straight away who it was. He came and sat down on the bench where we were all now sat.

"Hey guys, So you wanted to talk?" Niall asked looking at Liam.

Liam nodded his head towards me and Niall gave him a puzzled look.

"We will go feed the ducks with Mase, We will just be there" Emma said pointing at the pond a few metres away. She stood up with Liam and took Masons hand.

Niall was sat in front of me smiling, I kept looking down at my hands and looking back at him.

"Erm, M-me and E-emma lied when w-we first met" I stuttered showing I was nervous.

"What do you mean?" Niall said looking even more puzzled.

"I d-do k-know you and I'm n-not called L-lauren"

"What? Whats your name then?" He said laughing slightly.

"Amy" I said now looking past Niall towards Mason.

"Amy? Amy Williams?" He asked with wide eyes.

I nodded and looked down at my joint hands. I felt Niall stand up and walk off. What have I done, I've ruined everything. I thought to myself.

I looked back and saw Niall slam the gate to the park and walk off with his head down. Emma, Liam and Mason came back over, when tears started forming in my hazel eyes.

"Amy, What happened?, Does he Know about Mason?" Liam asked sitting Mason on his knee.

"He still doesn't know, I told him who I was and he left" I started to cry.

After a long time of talking about everything that happened we all decided on walking back to Liams and Emmas.


Not too long until Niall will know the truth about Mason. If anyone has any ideas message me or comment and Ill give you a shout out and please help get more people to read it, it would mean alot

Amy x

Twitter: @amy_JLS_1D
Instagram: amylouisee1997

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