Part 39

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Amys POV:

*8 and 3 weeks pregnant*

Niall has been on tour for the past few months so we havent decided on any names for our baby boy yet. I'm 6 days until my due date and nervous as anything. He has a few weeks at home but still has to go to.the studio to write for a new album.

"Ni, I was thinking maybe we could think of names today?" I looked down at the massive baby bump.

"Course we can" Niall smiled placing Mason in his baby walker to watch 'I'n the night garden'

He gave me a piece of paper and a pen, "We'll do it the old way, we both write down 5 names we like and then share them, choose one we like one each piece then decide" Niall smiled

I thought of a few names and needed two more. I looked over to Niall too see him scribble something down

"Ey, no peaking" Niall looked over grinning. Mason kept screeching at the Tv and clapping his hands.

"Right have you done?" I finally finished after another 5 minutes. Niall noded and I spoke again "I'll go first" I playfully stuck my tounge out.

"Right I have, Riley, Ivan (how its spelt I-Van), Kyedan, Brogan and Luke" I smiled looking at Niall who was nodding his head.

"I have, Bradan, Kian, Cormac, Dylan and Declan" He smiled

"Now what?" I laughed walking over to Mason and picking him up. I sat back beside Niall and sat Mason in between us.

"Choose one we like durrr" Niall laughed poking Masons cheek.

"I do like Ivan, Maybe Ivan Aiden Horan?" Niall spoke. I froze in my spot Aiden? did he say Aiden? "Thats, erm if you like it?" Niall looked down at Mason

"you would actually use Aidens name as his middle name?" I smiled putting a hand on my swollen belly. I leaned over Mason

who was now stood between us and hugged Niall, Mason then placed his small arms around me and Niall and joined in the hug.

"Ivan Aiden Horan, I like that" I smiled, Niall smiled back placing a kiss on my nose.

"Tomorrow you and Mason are taking a trip to the studio with me and the boys" Niall picked Mason up and placed him on his knee and pulling me closer to him.

"What? why?" I questioned

"Because you are so close to your due date and I don't want you on your own with Mase" He kissed the top of my head and we all watched 4Music

"Dwaddy" Mason pointed at the TV clapping his hands when Live while we're young came on tv.

"It is me isnt it?" Niall laughed tickling Masons side. I smiled at my small family knowing there should be another addition in under a week.


Short part, hope you like it?

Please leave feedback. To everyone who has commented and given and help thankyou so much means alot

Amy x

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