Part 25

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Amys POV:

I was woken up by a bang and a shuffle at the side of me. My eyes fluttered open and I shot up forgetting where I was until it sunk in. A few whimpers came from the side of me, I turned my head and saw Mason laid on his back rubbing his eyes.

"Morning baby" I picked up the infant and gave him a peck on the forehead and a hug.

I untangled myself from the sheets and placed Mason on my hip. I walked into the joint bathroom and placed Mason on the closed toilet seat whilst I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Once I had cleaned myself I cleaned Mason.

I walked back into the bedroom and put a pair of black skinny jeans on and left Nialls top on. I changed Masons nappy and put him in his nike tracksuit. I put Mason back on my hip and he placed his head on my shoulder, then we made our way downstairs.

Niall wasnt nowhere to be seen in the living room so I decided to lay Mason on the sofa and walk in the kitchen. Niall was sat at the island on his laptop with a broken glass in front of him, thats what the bang must have been. He saw me approach him and smiled and clicked a button on his laptop.

"Morning, Is Mason up?" He stood up and asked. I nodded, said marning and yawned. He walked in to the room and started playing with Mason. I walked over to the fruit bowl and reached for an apple when I saw Nialls laptop and a tap open at the bottom of the screen which read "Niall Horan and..." I decided to take a look and clicked on the tap and there was a article with a photo of Me and Mason at Nialls door and Niall stood talking to us. 'That was yesterday I thought to myself' I carried on reading the article

Niall Horan has been spotted with a new girl. Who could it be? Horan has been spotted a few times with this brown headed girl but she wasn't alone. Horans new friend has met Niall with a child around 1 and a half  years old a few times in the past few weeks.

I was about to carry on reading when I head someone talk "Sorry about that" I looked up to see Niall at the kitchen door with Mason on his hip "I was thinking we could maybe go tell my management today and ask when this could go public?" Niall asked. I looked at the laptop and back at Niall

"Niall you can't-" I was stopped

"Why can't I?" He raised his eyebrows

"Because the will ruin your career" I sighed walking over to him and Mason "It won't, I won't let it" He looked in my eyes and put a piece of hair behind my ear.

I gave him a small smile and a nod. I went and got Masons baby bag from the living room to make him his bottle.

"Need any help?" Niall asked sitting on a stool and placing Mason on his knee. "It alright" I smiled down at my hands "Do you erm, Have any milk?" I asked turning around to face Niall. He nodded and pointed at the fridge. I boiled the milk and waited till it cooled, whilst I waited I chopped up a few pieces of banana and placed it in a dish.

I checked the milk on my wrist and placed it on the kitchen island. Mason was sat side ways on Nialls knee with his head resting on his chest and Niall sat smiling down at the infant. I was stood at the other end of the kitchen and a smile crept on my lips. Nialls head shot up looking at me with a cheeky grin on his face. "Can I give him them?" He said nodding his head towards the bottle and dish of banana. I nodded and passed him the things.

Once we had finished breakfast we decided on going to see management. We took Nialls car, Niall drove and I sat in the back with Mason who sat on Lux's babyseat.


We reached the studio where management would be, Niall in front and me carrying Mason on my hip behind Niall getting nervous. Millions of thoughts were running through my mind. "What if they didn't allow it? What if they said no? What if they tell me and stay away from Niall? I shook the thoughts from my mind when Niall knocked on the door and I hward a faint 'Come in'

Niall nodded his head and smiled at me then opened the door that lead to management.

"Niall" Simon stood up and shook Nialls hand

"I" Niall said then stopped "We wanted to tell you something" he said turning to look at me who had an asleep Mason on my hip. Simon nodded and gestured to the seats placed in front of his desk. We both sat down and I placed Mason on my knee so his chest was on my chest. He sqwormed to get comfty then relaxed his body.

"What can I help you with?" Simon asked leaning forward on his chair joining his hands together.

"Well" Niall started and Simon nodded for him to carry on. "Before all this started I went out with Amy" Niall smiled and nodded towards me " A couple of weeks ago I found out I had a son" Niall started playing with his hands "Mason, this little guy here" I put head down so I had a birds-eye view of Mason. I started getting emotional and felt tears well up in my eyes.

"So you are telling me, you have a son" Simon asked looking at me then to Niall, I saw Niall nod and look up "And?" Simon shrugged.

"would there be any chance this could go public?" Niall questioned. Simon sighed

"We could but you know the consequences, this could effecf yours and the rest of the lads career big time. I've seen numorous of papers with you guys in, I like the fact you may be settling down Niall but you have to think of the other too" Simon and Niall nodded. I srunched my eyebrows together, Did Simon actually just agree? A small smile crept on my lips.

"I'll meet up with the lads now and we'll discuss this and I'll call you" Niall said Shaking Simons hand and standing up with me. Mason was still laid with his chest on mine, my arms joining under him bum to support him.

Kind of long chapter. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while bit I hope you all had a good Christmas and New year.

Pretty please comment what you think because it will help me loads.

Amy x

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