Chapter 10- A Pair of Mates

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Draco stepped forward, Hermione's hand still on his shoulder, "Yea... ummm... I know that many of you do not like this and I understand, I do not either. But, I just wanted you all to know that Hermione and I would do anything for this pack. We want you to be safe and this is the best way. So, please stay safe during this time. From what I've heard, both Beta's are working with the Auror's to discover where the Death Eaters are located. If by some chance you come across a Death Eater in your usual business days, you are to report it to the closest pack member. Now, does anybody have any questions?" Draco asked and his question was met by silence, "How about announcements?" and Hermione looked at Pansy who looked down at her feet as she stood up, "Pansy?" and Fred Weasley also stood up, "Fred? What do you have to say?"


Fred placed an arm around Pansy's waist, "Pansy and I would like to announce that we are mates," and this caused all the female wolves in the room to squeal in excitement, "We would like your blessing, Alpha," he said and Draco slowly walked toward them.

"Is he the one you want, Pansy?" Draco asked.

Pansy looked at Fred, "He is."

"Is she the one you want, Fred?" Draco asked the red headed twin.

Fred looked down at the dark haired witch in his arms and smiled, "She is my one and only."

Draco then smiled and placed a hand on each of their shoulders, "Then you have my blessing."

Pansy smiled brightly and hugged Draco, "Thank you so much, Draco."

Draco hugged her tightly back, "Your welcome, Pansy," and they let go of each other. Hermione slipped her hand into Draco's, a sign to show that he was taken. Hermione knew of course that there was never anything between the two Pureblood's but her wolf did not like it at all. Draco squeezed her hand and she responded with a light growl, arousal flooding her system, "Is there anything else?" and everyone was silent, "Well, Beta and I have a gift for the mates tonight," and he smirked, "A little meal will be provided in your rooms. Enjoy," and then he dismissed everyone. The wolves who had no mates yet walked slowly into the kitchen to talk while the wolves who had mates, scrambled over each other trying to get up stairs.

Hermione chuckled at them as Draco sat down in one of the chairs and she came around behind him, draping her arms over his shoulders, "Wolf mates always made me laugh at how childish we can be."

Draco placed a hand on top of one of hers and he moaned, "Well, my mate, shall we join them. It's been at least six hours since I've had my way with you and our meal is getting cold which I don't think you would like that."

Hermione licked the side of his neck, "Hmmm... Take me then."


In one swift movement, Draco flipped Hermione over him and onto his lap. He stood and shifted Hermione in his arms as he walked to his room, "Oh, I'll take you alright," he growled lowly in her ear causing her core to clench in anticipation.

They soon came to the door and Hermione crawled on him so she could wrap her legs around his waist allowing his hands to grasp the knob. He turned it and brought them into his room, closing the door with his foot. He walked over to the pile of furs on the floor, kneeled down, and dropped Hermione onto them. Draco ran his hands over her sides causing her to shiver in delight. His hands made a fist of her shirt and in one swift movement he ripped it from her skin causing her to gasp. Hermione's hands ran up Draco's torso.

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