For all you sinners: Joshler smut one shot book

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Yo guys so, as the title says: I published a Joshler smut one shot book.

(('Cause I noticed how it takes me 2 days to get 4 votes on a regular chapter but 2 hours to get 6 votes when there's smut in it hmmmmmmm 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀))

It'll be a collection of all the smut parts/chapters I wrote in all of my fanfics, categorized and all. Arin and Josh scenes will be changed to Tyler and Josh scenes. It'll purely be Joshler and a collection of all the scenes in case you feel like sinning but not like searching for the scenes. This is the cover:

Now hurry! Go sin and read my new book!

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

Now hurry! Go sin and read my new book!

One good thing about music:when it hits you,you feel no pain(A Joshler fanfic)✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu