Chapter 3

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Steve opened the door, groaning and stepping back as Bucky fell through the doorway. "Steve!" He squealed, staring up at Steve.

"What are you doing, Buck?" Steve asked.

"I can't walk. I missed you," Bucky said, his smile falling when he saw Peggy walk out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. "Holy shit." Bucky pushed himself into a half-sitting position, grimacing. "Holy shit, you fucking- you slept with her. You fucking slept with her. What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What are you talking about? I can have sex with whoever I want," Steve reminded him and Bucky scowled, staring at the floor. "Bucky, we aren't together," Steve whispered.

"I know that. I just- didn't expect you to... You've never moved that quickly with anybody before."

"I really like her. Why are you here?" Steve growled.

"No reason," Bucky mumbled and stood up, leaving the apartment. He collapsed on the curb, letting out a choky sob. He barely noticed when Steve sat down beside him.

"Buck, what's wrong?"

"Fucking nothing," Bucky whispered, staring at the road between his feet and watching his tears puddle.

"Something is wrong, Bucky. You never cry."

"Why did you decide now to get with Peggy?"

"She's attracted to me now-"

"She's always been attracted to you, Steve. You want to know why I came here today?" Bucky asked and Steve shrugged, still absorbing the information Bucky just gave him.

"I don't want to stop fucking you. I didn't want it to be just sex. But that was the only thing we could do because you can't fucking accept yourself and you're in love with Peggy."


"What? I know it's true, all of it. And I can't get over you. And the only reason I'm telling you this is because I'm really high and drunk and I had a threesome with two foreign students that should still be in middle school because they are thirteen. I'm going to go now," Bucky pushed himself up.

"Peggy has been attracted to me this whole time?" Steve asked, standing in front of him.

"That's the only fucking thing you care about and want me to repeat? Yes, she has! Since freshman year. You are so oblivious," Bucky laughed.

"Why are you being such a fucking asshole?"

"Can you get out of my way?" Bucky whispered, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Tell me why you're acting like this? Do you have a problem with Peggy? With me?"

"Actually, now that you bring it up," Bucky chuckled, smiling sourly. "I hate you, and I fucking despise her," he spat. Steve swung at him, cracking his jaw and breaking his nose.

"What the fuck, man?!" Steve hit him again. Bucky huffed, pushing Steve and limping away.


Bucky stared at the wall, taking a long drag of the cigarette in his hand. "What's wrong, James?" Natasha asked, sitting beside him. Bucky smiled and kissed her softly before taking another drag.

"I think I told Steve that I loved him," Bucky replied slowly.

"Do you?"

"I actually have no fucking idea," Bucky said with a laugh. "I don't know. But I do know that I love you," he said and she smiled.

"Thank you, James."

"I forgot to tell Clint..." Bucky sighed.

"Tell him what?"

"The prosthetic arm. So I'm actually disabled, like, physically. Which I feel like he should know?"

"He probably does. I mean, it doesn't blend in," she replied and he looked at his shiny metal arm.

"Yeah, well, they shouldn't ask what you'd like it to look like after they drug you. Don't regret it, though," he muttered and she nodded.

"Of course you don't. And I can't believe you left things with Steve like that," she chuckled and he shrugged.

"How else was I supposed to leave it? He fucking punched me in the face twice! I didn't mean what I said, though. I don't hate him, Nat," Bucky sighed and Natasha smiled, shaking her head.

"I know you don't. You should go try to talk to him."

"You know, I totally would except he's at school right now. But don't worry, I'm going tomorrow."

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Natasha whispered and Bucky sighed, putting his cigarette out on his thigh, wincing.

"Because... Because I deserve it, Nat."

"No, you don't. Why would you think that?"

"I can't even have fucking relationships with people. This is as close as we're going to fucking get to a relationship," Bucky said, gesturing to their nude bodies.

"That's my fault, too, though. I'm fucked up."

"Mm, you're pretty," Bucky whispered, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her breast. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. He kissed down her body to her pelvis, resting his head on her thighs and sighing. "So pretty." He rubbed her slit slowly and she shook her head, pulling his hand away.

"Talk to Steve first."

"Whatever, mom," Bucky muttered and Natasha gasped.

"Don't call me your mom, I'm younger than you!"

"Shut up," Bucky mumbled, without heat. "Fine, I'll go talk to Steve. School will be released in 20 minutes, I'll wait outside his house," Bucky sighed, grabbing his clothes off the floor and dressing, screaming quietly as the denim of his jeans scraped against his burn. "I'll tell you how it goes," he said angrily and she nodded.

"I hope it works out for you," she replied in an angry voice. "But I really do."

"I know," Bucky sighed and kissed her softly before leaving his house.


"What the fuck are you doing here?" Bucky glanced up and saw Steve looming over him.

"I, uh... Natasha told me to."

"But why?" Steve repeated and Bucky sighed.

"We need to talk. I guess."

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