Chapter 4

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Bucky laid on the couch, staring at the ceiling. "Buck, you've been like this for 10 minutes. Say something," Steve ordered and Bucky bit his lip before exhaling shakily.

"Well, Steve. How is it going with Peggy?" Bucky asked and Steve shrugged.

"Pretty good; really good, actually," Steve said, smiling softly.

"Fuck," Bucky muttered and sat up. "I made a mistake, I'm going to go home," he sighed and Steve stood up.

"10 minutes of my time, wasted? Time I could be spending with Peggy? You just laid on my couch for ten goddamn minutes and you didn't look at me once?" Steve asked loudly and Bucky visibly flinched.

"Sorry," he muttered and left. Bucky walked down the street to the park and sat down, resting his head in his hands. After several minutes he called Natasha. "Come pick me up?" he asked, his throat tight. "I uh, I'm in the park." She hung up and Bucky took that as a yes. He put his phone back in his pocket and stared at the tree in front of him until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Natasha towering over him, smiling sympathetically. "Hey."

"Hey," Natasha whispered and took his hand, pulling him up off the bench. She led him to the car, not letting go of his hand the whole drive back. "I'm sorry I made you go," she apologized and he shrugged.

"It's whatever," he mumbled and laid down on the couch. "I'll sleep here..."

"No, join me in the bedroom. We don't have to do shit, I just want you to sleep in a bed tonight."

"Thanks. I guess..." Bucky chuckled as Natasha picked him up, carrying him to the room. "You're strong."

"This isn't the first time I've had to do this," Natasha said quietly and Bucky sighed.

"I'm sorry, baby," Bucky mumbled wrapping around her as they laid down. He quickly fell asleep.


Bucky sat in class, not focused on anything except his desk as he idly scratched a penis into it. "Mr. Barnes?" The teacher asked loudly and he glanced up, setting his pencil down. "Answer the question."

"Uh, I didn't hear it," he mumbled and the teacher raised an eyebrow.

"Ms. Carter?"

"1781," Peggy said and Bucky sighed, swallowing thickly.

The bell rang and Bucky started to gather his things. "Stay," the teacher said and he nodded, setting his stuff down. When the classroom cleared, Mr. Coulson shut the door and sighed. "Mr. Barnes, what happened? You used to get straight A's, now you're- you don't even pay attention. You're failing all of your classes-"

"Please, continue," Bucky muttered and Mr. Coulson sighed.

"What happened? We're worried about you."

"I started... To fall for someone. And they fell just as hard, but for someone else." Bucky's voice cracked as he spoke.

"You'll find somebody else. You're, what, 16?"

"I've known... The person... Since I was 4. And I think I just realized recently that the feelings I have for h-them... Now, have been around the whole time. So for 12, almost 13 years, I've been in love with hi-them. So I don't think there will be."

"You can't let that effect your grades, James."

"It's not like I'm not trying. I don't want it to effect my grades, sir."

"Then try to get over him. You need to get your grades up or you're going to fail and you won't get into an Ivy League school, which you can do."

"Okay. I'm going to go now," Bucky mumbled and left the classroom, chewing on his lip. He sat by Natasha and Clint, who was joined by another boy.

"This is Matt," Clint introduced as Bucky sat down. Bucky waved and frowned when Matt didn't respond.

"'M blind," Matt informed him and Bucky went red.

"I'm so sorry-"

"It's perfectly fine, I'm used to it."

"How do you and Clint talk?" Bucky asked and Matt looked at the general area of where Clint was.

"If he has his hearing aid in, normally. If not, then tactical signing or I'll tell someone what it is I want to say and they sign to him. He's pretty good at reading lips, though. And then he talks normally back to me because he can," Matt explained and Bucky nodded.

"That's cool."

"Bucky has a prosthetic arm," Clint told Matt and grabbed Matt's hand, leading it to Bucky's arm. Bucky let Matt feel it, eating his food with his other hand.

"Why is it metal?"

"They really shouldn't let you choose what you want it to look like when they have you on all of those drugs."

"He would have chose metal anyways," Clint and Natasha told Matt at the same time. Matt laughed and Bucky blushed again, glad that Matt couldn't see it. "What took you so long to get here?" Natasha asked and Bucky sighed, scowling at the table.

"Mr. Coulson wanted to talk to me about why I'm failing."

"Atleast he cares. Tell him you have chronic pain in your arm. Or phantom limb syndrome. You can still have that with a prosthetic," Matt said and Bucky nodded.

"Already told him it's because of a broken heart..." He muttered, shaking his head with a sigh. "Which is the truth."

"Damn, that sucks. Can't take medicine for that."

"Sure, you can. If you know the right kind," Bucky replied, then lowered his voice. "Sex or drugs. Or both."

"Okay, I don't think he wanted to know that," Clint said and Bucky rolled his eyes.

"You can't even hear what I'm saying."

"I can still read your lips. And he's signing it to me," Clint said, pointing at Matt.

"How sweet," Bucky muttered, rolling his eyes. He heard someone clear their throat behind him and glanced up. "Steve! We were just talking about you! I mean, they didn't know, but we were! I was, anyways," Bucky exclaimed and Steve sighed. "Are you just gonna stand here and waste my goddamn time?"

"I came here for Natasha," Steve grumbled and Bucky nodded.

"Of course you did. Talk to you later, then."

"Uh huh," Steve replied absentmindedly and left with Natasha.

"You okay?" Clint asked Bucky, who nodded and cleared his throat.

"I'm fine. I'm going to go wait in 6th period," Bucky said and left the cafeteria.

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