Chapter 45: Boys Don't Rule Me

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Chapter 45: Boys Don't Rule Me

"Wow, it's perfect" I whisper softly.

Jason and I finally made it to our destination which took about an hour. Or at least it felt like an hour. But, I was glad it took us a while to anyways because then the view wouldn't of been this amazing to me. We were laying down on the grass looking up at the bright stars that were shining brightly tonight.

"How did you know?" I ask Jason turning my face to the side to look at him.

He doesn't look at me ,but continues to look at the stars.

"I just knew" He tells me with a smile on his lips.

"But, someone must've told you I wanted to do this-" I begin to say.

"I know you. I know you well enough to know that you would've loved something like this. Something that held a meaning and this holds a meaning. I love you, and those stars right there" He points his finger to the stars. "Are going to be there longer than us. Even after we die they're always going to be there. That's how my undying love for you will last. It will never die"

I feel weird. That was my first thought after that long heart felt speech Jason just said. I know I probably haven't of thought that ,but I did. He was so, perfect in every sense. Always being there and kissing me when I wanted to be kissed by him. And, doing things like this. He made me feel weird ,because no guy would've done this for me. At least no one I knew would've.

That's when I realized in that moment that I loved Jason more than I thought I did.

"Why baby? Why baby? Why won't you let me let go!?" I sing loudly in the shower.

It's been three weeks since, everything went down. Almost a month. I wasn't sad anymore; more like copping. I knew Jason and I needed time apart and if that meant a month than it needed to be done. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be back together with him though. Everything that had happened wasn't just because of my brother. It was because of the pain I endured from him, all the tears, the sleepless nights.

We needed the break or at least I did. It was causing too much stress on me to handle it. I loved Jason. I knew I did ,but it was this other feeling I held for him that was holding me back and I couldn't comprehend what it was.

"Sarah! Hurry the hell up!" I hear Liam shout.

I grunt, why couldn't he use his shower in his 'man cave'?

"Why can't you use your lair's shower?!" I yell questionably back while washing soup out of my hair.

I hear him sigh.

"Because, it's dirty! So hurry up!" He tells back frantically.

I roll my eyes and hurry washing myself so, I won't have to hear Liam's annoying loud voice again. Once I finish washing everything I turn off the shower and grab my towel from it hanging on the towel rack and wrap it around my body. I push away the shower curtain to get out of the shower but one of my legs just didn't go high enough to go over the tub making me start to fall backwards. I scream and hold onto the curtain that breaks off and doesn't save me from my landing.

The door knob starts to jiggle and I want to die at this very second.

"Sarrie, are you okay?" Liam asks me trying to open the door.

"Yes! Don't come in!" I yell back to him.

"Okay" He says in a questionable tone.

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