Chapter 15: A dumb blonde

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Chapter 15: A dumb blonde

Beating hard and fast my heart kept popping out of my chest. So fast, yet so in rhythm. Unlike mine his was still, normal, and it was unfair he had this affect on me.

As he leaned in for a kiss he spoke,"Do you love me Sarah?"

I gave him a confused look and he only smirked.

"Or do you love me, Sarah?!" Johnny asks from the backseat of Max's car.

"When did you get here?" I ask terrified.

"Of course she doesn't love any of you fools she loves me!" An all too familiar voice yells.

I turn and spotted Jason outside Max's parked car.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask with my hands in the air.

Jason opens the passenger side door and yanks my arm so I would get out of the car. He pushes me up against the car and was more than ready to kiss me. I widen my eyes and he started to lean in. He closes his eyes and I could feel his warmth over mine.

"Sarah!" Someone yells.

I turn my head to look for the voice and then started to feel really dizzy. I spun and spun until I was back in my cozy warm bed.

I jolted up and sat up on my bed. I was so happy that had just been a dream. It had been downright terrifying. I don't even know how that dream had gotten into my mind because as far as I know I don't love any of those boys.

"Sarah!" The voice called again.

I got up from my warm bed and went towards my door to open it but before I could my mother pushes it straight open.

"Well I see your awake" she says while whipping the flour off her forehead.

"Yes I am" I say softly.

"I've been calling you for the past five minutes" she says almost angered.

"Some people like the comfort of their bed mom" I tell her.

"I can see that" she looks head to toe from me "now clean yourself up its time for breakfast"

She closes the door and when I knew she left for good I grabbed my phone. The only way I was going to survive this mornings breakfast was if Aria came over. She always knew how to please my mother and if my mother was too interested in Aria she wouldn't be interested in me.

"Hello" Aria's tired voice said.

"Hey babes I need you to come over for breakfast today with my family" I say warmly only making her chuckle.

"I love how you called me babes and all but sorry hun today's not a good day for me" I sadden when she says this.

"And why not?!" I ask frustrated.

"Because she's with me" a male voice says into the phone.

"I'll explain everything tomorrow bye" Aria quickly says and I widen my eyes.

"No Ari-!" I shout into the phone.

She hung up on me which meant no Aria for this breakfast. I slumped down on my floor and put my hand on my head. Who else's would my mom be interested in?

I can't bring Johnny she'll think me and him are dating. I can't bring Clyde she already hates him as it is. And if- no why would I ever even consider him?

"Ugh!" I yell with frustration.

I got up from my floor and marched over to my closet to pick something presentable my mother would be pleased with.

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