Chapter 14: Somewhat Of A Mother

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Chapter 14: Somewhat Of A Mother

Tap,tap ,tap

"Can you stop doing that?!"

"Oh ,but why should I love?" Jason asks annoyingly.

"Maybe because your irritating me" I reply back sharply.

"Maybe I want to irritate you" he mutters and I just roll my eyes at his immaturity.

Jason had been tapping his pen up and down on the table nonstop and I had to make him stop he was already annoying me as it was with his presence. I had decided to stay after today to work on my homework ,but I guess I can't do anything alone anymore.

Supposedly, staying after could be dangerous so, Jason had decided to stay after too.

"Maybe you should just leave" I whisper under my breath.

"Now, you and I both know I can't do that darling" he says with a smirk.

"Actually I don't? enlighten me" I state irritated.

"Well, sweet cheeks if I were to let you put yourself into the arms of danger you will die and if you die I die" Jason explains.

I give him a confused look and say,"how would you die?"

"Max and Johnny would kill me" he says with a sigh.

"Doubtful" I snort.

"Don't you get it? Those boys practically fawn over you" he says softly.

"Whatever Jason just keep quiet" I grumble.

"As you wish sweet cheeks" he smirks.

"And stop calling me sweet cheeks!"I scold.

"Shush!" The librarian whispers harshly.

"You shush" I scold and Jason smirks.

"Shut up Jason" I roll my eyes.

"As you wish" he says with an eye roll too.

At three o'clock the librarian decided to close the library which I was glad for. Considering I was bored and hungry Jason and I went to the Cafe for some hot chocolate.

"Ow!" I scream and look to my side to see Jason smirking.

He had pinched my arm and it hurt badly ,but it had gotten me back from the state of awe. I scold at him and he kept smirking.

"What the hell was that for?!" I ask with annoyance.

"Well you weren't paying attention and I was getting bored" he shrugs.

"I was thinking" I mumble under my breathe.

"About?" He questions crossing his arms.

"Nothing you need to know of" I say with a smirk.

"Okay" he says with a high pitched voice.

"If that's your way of trying to copy my voice you failed horribly" I say confidently.

"Who said I was trying to copy your voice?" He asks  dumbly.

"You know what? your really immature Jason" I huff.

"And how so?" He questions with his hand on his chin.

"Ugh!" I shriek and got up from the booth.

I marched angrily outside and Jason soon followed. I stood by his car and waited for him to unlock it.

"I'm not unlocking the car you know" he says while leaning on his car.

"I want to go home Jason" I grumble.

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