Chapter 2: Turn Up... Maybe?

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I can't believe I let Kae bring me here. I don't have a problem with going out but the fact that i'm already stressed messes the idea of fun up. Maybe this will be fun but i'm still not so sure. I trust her judgement though so whatever.

Me, Kae, & some people from both of our camps are chillin' in V.I.P. drinking. "We're going to dance so behave", Kae whispered in my ear. I responded with a simple head nod then she left with her girls for the dance floor. I ordered 4 shots of Patron which showed up in under 5 minutes because i'm The Famous R&B Singer & Dancer, Chris Brown. I downed them in 30 seconds tops ignoring the stinging of my throat as it went down.

"You might want to slow down mister", I heard a female voice say in my ear. I looked at her meeting her eyes. Her eyes are milk chocolate & kinda hypnotizing. She smiled at me, "Are you alright mister?", she asked standing up straight. I gave her a once over before responding, "Yeah & you don't have to call me mister. You're making me feel old as hell", I responded. She giggled, "Well you are old as hell", she joked.

I laughed, genuinely laughed which is something I haven't done a lot of lately. "I'm only 24 miss", I responded. She laughed, "Exactly, old as hell", she teased. She has a cute laugh. I smiled at her, "Well how old are you then miss?", I asked offering her a seat. She accepted sitting next to me but leaving space between us as well.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to ask a woman her age? I'm Alexandria by the way Christopher", she responded with a smile. I nodded, "Yeah but you kept making jokes about my age so I was wondering about yours. Christopher? My mama don't even call me Christopher", I said. She raised an eyebrow, "I'm not 2 Chainz but i'm different Christopher", she responded & winked at me. She seems real cool & isn't my usual choice in women if you've payed attention to my past relationships.

She is dark skinned but nonetheless beautiful. She had big lips, a cute little button nose, big eyes that are a little feline like, & she has a medium build. She's not big nor small. She's just right with some curves. Her smile is beautiful & radiant. Her hair is in freestyle braids but it's pulled up into a bun. She doesn't have on make-up really, just mascara, some eyeliner, & some lipgloss. She has on a black skirt & white button up shirt with a tie & black pumps.

From her attire I can tell she works here. "You might be Alexandria but we'd have to get to know each other to find that out", I responded. She smiled, "Well maybe we could but I have to get back to work. I'll see you later Christopher", she said standing up. I smiled back, "See you later", I responded & watched as she walked away. As soon as she was out of sight someone cleared their throat.

I looked & there was Kae smiling at me with her arms folded across her chest. "What was that Chrissy?", she asked sitting next to me. I rolled my eyes because she would call me "Chrissy". "Don't worry 'bout it", I responded. "Boy go get some ass or something instead of sitting here. Now get yo' ass up & turn up", she said, more like ordered. I sighed knowing she wouldn't leave me alone until I at least went danced or something so I got up & went to the dance floor.

With my luck women or hoes started flocking me wanting to dance. I shrugged the off ones that kept grabbing me & ignoring the others who called out to me. I was just trying to get out of view of Kae but found myself getting rolled up by some chick. I must admit that she's bad but I don't want anything from her. She is loosening me up though along with the shots kicking in that I ordered. So I put my hands on her waist & danced with her thinking nothing of it.

A few minutes later we're in the restroom of the club in a stall. She's on her knees giving me head & oh my God. I wonder if superhead was this good but even if, this chick would definitely give her a run for her money. I cummed down her throat & she happily swallowed it. I love freaks but this chick was acting like I just gave her a glass of water after being lost in a dessert with no food or water. I shook my head & put my dick away before walking out on her & going back to V.I.P.

I spent the rest of the night in V.I.P. drinking, clowning, & dancing around with my people. We had ordered some more drinks regardless of the fact that some of us were already drunk. So i'm dancing when the drinks came & the waitress was none other than Alexandria who was smiling at me. "Good to see you're having fun Christopher", she said & winked at me. I smiled at her, "I would be having more fun if you'd dance with me", I responded & winked back at her.

She playfully rolled her eyes, "I get off in 5 minutes & if you're still here then i'll dance with you", she said handing me a shot from her tray. I downed it & smiled at her goofily, "I'll be waiting sweetheart", I told her & she nodded before leaving V.I.P. The 5 minutes blew by & we were dancing to some song that I can't remember because I was so lost in the moment. We swayed to the beat laughing together & man was I having fun. I felt something vibrate against me & she pulled away from me checking her phone.

She sighed, "I had a good time tonight but I have to go Christopher. I hope you get home safely", she said & kissed me on the cheek. "Me too but can I have your number?", I responded. She shook her head, "I don't just give out my number to people all willy-nilly but next time we see each other i'll give it to you", she said. I can't believe she just basically told me no. It's not a first but normally females offer me their number without me even asking them.

"Ok then i'll see you tomorrow night Alexandria", I said & we hugged then I walked her outside to her car. I watched her leave before I went got in mine & l went home myself. Yes I did drive home drunk but I wasn't swerving or none of that shit. When I got home I kicked off my shoes & crashed on the couch since I was too lazy to go to my room. My phone was vibrating like crazy but I didn't feel like checking it so I threw it on the table & took my ass to sleep. I'm a have a bad ass hangover in the morning but it was worth it.

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Fall: A Chris Brown Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now