Chapter 8: Trouble In Paradise

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Wow. My life seems almost like a dream again. I haven't been this happy since I first started in the industry. You know when I was innocent & could do no wrong. My relationship with Alexandria has been going great since she gave me another chance. She's met my mom & my mom loves her like a daughter. I don't know about marriage anytime soon but at least now I know that whenever I do propose to her my mom would be cool with it. Next week I meet her family & i'm nervous as hell. I don't want them to judge me like everyone else does. I want them to accept me & her relationship because I don't plan on going anywhere. Anyways, i'm in the studio working with my artist Sevyn.

"Ok Sev, take a break", I called through the intercom. She came out the booth, "Going to get something to eat. Anybody want anything?", she said. I shook my head while everybody else placed their order. Sevyn is real cool & has a kind heart obviously because these my people & all but i'll be damned if I buy like 13 other people that I know got money lunch.

She left after about 5 minutes making sure she had everybody's order. I had got on Twitter for a second but something caught my eye. It was some tweets about Tyga & some new girl. I know Ty has some wild ways but he wouldn't stray on Chyna, I don't think. I clicked a tweet that had picture tagging Ty in it. It took me to his Instagram & when I saw the picture I got pissed off.

The picture was of him & Alexandria. She was sitting on his lap & he was kissing her on the cheek with the caption: "Me & my homie. Ain't she beautiful?" I was ready to go kick both of their ass but I calmed myself down. I went in the comments & saw that Chy had commented: "Nah, my bitch bad. Y'all look cute together in a night & day way.=p" I snickered because she would say some shit like that.

I was exiting off the picture when I looked at it again & noticed it was taken in a studio. Not just any studio but the one i'm currently at right now & I know which one too. I got up telling everybody i'd be back & if Sevyn came back before me tell her I had something to take care of real quick. I went to the studio they were in walking in without knocking. When I walked in Alexandria had her legs on Ty's lap laughing & talking with him.

If I wasn't pissed off I damn sure am now. I know I sound like a jealous ass overprotective boyfriend but i'm not, really. Ugh shut up, the shit ain't cool man. I cleared my throat, "Man, what I tell yo' ass about walking in on my damn sessions?", Ty yelled. I rolled my eyes, "Nigga pa-lease. Yo' ass wasn't even recording. You was taking ig pics 'n' shit", I responded sitting down next to Ally & wrapping my arms around her.

She pecked my lips, "Hey baby", she said. "Hey sexy", I responded pecking her lips. She smiled, "Where's Sevyn?", she asked. "Food run. So why you didn't tell me you was coming to the stu?", I responded a bit annoyed. She shrugged, "I wanted to surprise you but I ran into Mike & here I am", she said.

He looked at her when she said his name & winked at her. I know he's not flirting with her right in my fucking face? He's like a brother to me but right now I feel like he's a fucking predator trying to take over my territory. I got up & left without saying a word to anybody. I went back to my studio & went in the booth. "I need to relieve someshit so let's do my part", I said into the mic to the producers who was looking at me like I was stupid. They nodded & the red light came on, time to sing my heart out.

[Later; That Night]

Every since that shit at the studio i've been wary of Ty. I seriously feel like something might be going on & if not something's gone happen. Right now i'm on my way to his house to chill & when I got there to my surprise Alexandria opened the door. I didn't even know she was going to be here. How long has she even been here?

"What's up Ty?", I yelled startling him because he was lost in playing the game. I laughed sitting down next to him while he glared at me making me laugh harder. "Why'd you jump kitten?", I teased. Alexandria giggled sitting down next to me. "Man. Fuck. You.", Ty responded.

"When?", I joked & that nigga's face was priceless. He screwed his face, "Nigga, stop with that gay shit. Ole sweet ass", he said. Alexandria bust out laughing laying over on me laughing. I chuckled, "I don't want yo' ass & even if I did like niggas", I looked him up & down, "I wouldn't pick yo' ass. The fuck you think this is?", I said snapping my fingers. Alexandria was rolling by then & she rolled right on the floor.

Me & Ty looked at her on the floor & fell out laughing. "Girl, get yo' ass up", Ty laughed. She rolled her eyes then got up , "Do you want something to drink baby?", she said & pecked my lips. I smiled, "Yeah, you know what I want right?", I responded. She smirked, "I don't think Michael would like to hear that", she said.

He chuckled, "You've been hanging with Chy too much. I see ya lil freak", he said. "That's all Chy but I got you baby. Now come on show me where the stuff is Mikey pooh", she responded. He smiled rolling his eyes before following her into the kitchen.


Christopher has been acting weird today. He probably thinks that I haven't noticed but I noticed it. I always notice when something is wrong with him & if I didn't I wouldn't be a very good girlfriend. Me & Michael are like bestfriends now & when Christopher is around it seems like he's pissed off. I really hope he's not jealous of me & Mike's relationship because he can't compare to him.

I'm madly in love with Christopher so he shouldn't worry about another man ever replacing him. "Where are the cups?", I asked Michael who was texting on his phone. He looked up, "Huh?", he asked confused. I rolled my eyes sighing before I snatched his phone out of his hand. "Aye, what's wrong with you?", he asked reaching for his phone but I moved it out of his reach.

"Stop playing Ally", he said trying to reach his phone again but I moved it again. "I'm glad you noticed me", I said sarcastically putting his phone in my bra. He smirked & licked his lips. "Do you really think I won't get my shit back from you?", he asked making his voice menacing deep. I blushed like a dumbass while he chuckled stepping closer to me getting all in my personal space.

I put my hands on my chest to push him back but he grabbed me by the wrists & backed me up against the counters. "Get off me Mi...", he kissed me. I tried to push him away but he just pressed against me harder. "No...", I got cut off.

"Your phone was ringing. It was your mama so don't mind me. Y'all can get back to what you was doing", Christopher said staring at us with disgust all in his eyes. He looked so hurt too & he looked like he was about to cry. Michael had jumped away from me as soon as he heard Christopher's voice & I was both relieved but hurt. "No, it's...", he cut me off. "Nah, save that shit Alexandria. Y'all can have each other & to think that I fucking love you. Ty I thought we was like bros & you do some shit like this? You know what, you can have her cause i'm done with both of y'all. I hope the shit was worth it", Christopher boomed.

I can't believe this shit is happening. "Chri...", he cut me off again. "Nah. Don't fucking Christopher me Alexandria. I don't wanna hear none of that shit", he yelled at me. Tears didn't even roll down my face. Nope, they leaped out of my eyes. "Baby I di...", he cut me off yet again.

"Shut the fuck up!", he yelled making me jump. I whimpered trying to calm myself down. Why wasn't Michael saying anything? Why wasn't he trying to help me explain? Oh shit, I can't calm down. Shit, now i'm shaking.

"Alexandria, are you ok?", Michael asked. No, you dumbass. I'm far from ok & it's your fucking fault. My breaths started becoming shorter. Now i'm full on panting like I ran a triathlon.

"Call", pants, "9-1", pants, "1", I managed to say, barely.  I started to feel light headed & weak & my chest hurts. Before I could even register it I was already on the floor. My head is throbbing, I think I might have hit it on the fall. I can hardly breathe now.

"Alexandria! Baby open your eyes!", Christopher yelled. When did I close my eyes? "Ally, wake up. I'm sorry. The ambulance is on it's way", Michael said. He sounded like he was sitting next to me. I don't wanna go like this, please God no.

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Fall: A Chris Brown Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now