Chapter 22: Something To Hide

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There's this thing bugging me. More like the little voice at the back of my mind is nagging at me. Why? I don't know but it keeps telling me to pay attention. I don't get what the fuck it means because as far as I can see everything is fine but that damn voice. Pay attention Chris. Pay more attention Christopher. Not only that but I just got a feeling. Whether it's good or bad, I don't know but it's there. I haven't told Alexandria because I don't want to worry her with something that might not be real. After we made up a few days ago for the "handcuff" episode we had we've been spending a little less time together. It's not an on purpose thing where we didn't want to see each other. Nah, I be at the studio more while she's pulling double shifts so we barely saw each other the last few days & whenever we did we made use of our time. I don't like her working so much but she's her own woman & wants her own money. She knows I hate the shit but we compromised that whenever I buy her gifts or we go out I pay & she can't say anything about it. She rolled her eyes but agreed when she saw that I was being serious. Right now we both have 2 hours to spair before she goes to work & I head to the studio meaning we have a good hour & a half so of coarse we're putting that time to use. We're at her house & she's cooking us dinner while I watch.

"Food", I whined. She rolled her eyes, "You are so fat Christopher", she said shaking her head at me. I smiled, "I'm a fat boy at heart with the sexist body you've ever had the pleasure of being under", I responded. She giggled, "Keep telling yourself that Christopher", she teased. I faked being offended before raising up my shirt, "Woman you must be blind", I joked.

She shook her head again, "Baby I have 20/20 vision so I see perfectly fine but you, you obviously need your's checked",  she joked back. Ok, now I was a bit offended. I screwed my face, "Nah, i'm good & I had my glasses on when I looked in the mirror. Now what nigga?", I said & she fell out laughing. "The shit ain't that funny Alexandria", I mumbled annoyed. She was in tears by now she was laughing so hard like for real it wasn't even funny bruh.

I swear she's so damn goofy sometimes it's annoying. "Alexandria you better not burn that food", I warned. She started coughing a little before regaining her composure. "I got this. So how's the studio?", she said changing the subject. I sighed, "Good but stressful. How's work Ms. Independent?", I responded.

She sighed, "I got promoted to manager", she said smiling at the end. "Oh so do I get a boyfriend discount?", I joked. She giggled, "Nope, but it's not like you payed anyway", she teased turning off the stove. I rolled my eyes, "I do now hurry up with my plate. Your man's wasting away", I said. "You really need to stop. You got me feeling like you love food more than me", she said making our plates.

I chuckled walking up behind her, "I love you babe but food was there first", I teased & kissed her on the cheek. She playfully pushed me away, "Dick", she said. "Yeah I got one & it's big too, wanna see it?", I said wrapping my arms around her waist & resting my head on her shoulder. She rolled her eyes, "Nah, i'm good. I gotta go to the bathroom so excuse me", she responded before she removed my arms from around her waist then left.

I sat down & started to eat without her. I know you say I could've waited but I was hungry so no I couldn't. Anyways, I was eating when I heard her cuss from upstairs. They say curiosity killed the cat but I wanted to know so I got up, plate in hand, & went to see what was wrong. I went upstairs & when I was about to go in her room she came out.

She looked flustered, "Are you ok?", I asked concerned. She nodded, "Yeah, i'm fine", she responded walking passed me. I sighed just figuring it was nothing & followed her back downstairs to the kitchen but at the back of my mind I knew it was something. She was sitting at the table picking at her food. "What's wrong Alexandria?", I asked sitting down across from her.

She just shook her head & kept picking at her food. By the time I had finished eating she was still picking at her food. I watched her for another few minutes waiting to see if she'd eat or at least look at me but she didn't. Every since we came from upstairs she hasn't looked at me or really said anything to me. I feel like she's keeping something from me but I guess she'll tell me if she feels like it's worth telling me.

I looked at the clock & saw that it was time for me to go so I went washed my dishes. I put them away then I kissed her on top of the head & left. I had just started my car when I realized I didn't have my phone on me. The last place I remembered having it was upstairs in Alexandria's room so I left my car on & ran back in to go get it. When I went back in the house she was still sitting at the table looking like someone killed her puppy.

I sighed shaking my head as I made my way up the stairs. When I got in her room I immediately spotted my phone on the nightstand & went to get it. I had grabbed it & was about to leave when some papers sticking out from under the mattress caught my eye. I pulled them out & when I opened them they had the name of a hospital in bold letters at the top. Why was she trying to hide this from me?

I started to read them expecting the worst but from what I had read so far everything was fine. It looked like she had a checkup & she's fine but I kept reading because if it was just a checkup she wouldn't have been hiding the fucking papers from it. Then on top of that she would've told me about her going to the doctor or so I thought. I went to the next page & it was test results. I started reading them & halfway through I walked over to the window & turned my car off with the keypad.

I went downstairs to the kitchen where Alexandria was just sitting at the table playing with her hands now. I cleared my throat to get her attention but she didn't look up at me. "Alexandria, what the fuck are these?", I yelled at her holding up her hospital papers & that's when she looked up at me, more like what I had in my hand. I saw it coming, she was about to lie to me or try to avoid the shit. "Don't you tell me no bullshit Alexandria. When the fuck were you going to tell me? Oh, or were you even fucking gone tell me?", I yelled & she winced like I had just hurt her. How & the fuck is she gone try & keep some shit like this from me!?

«Cliffhanger! This is more of a filler or whatever you want to call it. Regardless, I hope you still liked the chapter. So vote/ comment, tell me what you think. Thanks a ton.»

Fall: A Chris Brown Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now