Chapter 27: Forever

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It's our first Christmas as a family & we're having everyone over to our house. Christian is an angel. He doesn't wake up at unbelievable hours nor does he fuss a lot. Plus I could just swear up & down that Ariel was his mama the way she acts. She's always there to help when she's not at school. She won't let us hold him when she's around unless we threaten her with an ass whooping. It's cute though. She's very protective of her little brother & you can easily tell that they already have a special bond. Know how I said Christian is an angel? Yeah, well he has some drawbacks like he can not see one of us leave the room. To be only 3 months the boy is mad clingy. Then there's when he actually does fuss it lasts for damn near an hour if you don't nip the shit in the bud as soon as it happens. Nah, he's not an angel but he's a good baby.

"Daddyyyyyyy", Ariel yelled running into my home studio dragging out the "y". I was going over songs with Christian on my lap sleeping until she interrupted. She of coarse startled him & made him cry. I sighed, "My bad but Aunt Kae is here", she apologized. I just nodded rocking Christian to calm him down before pausing the music & following her out the room.

She lead me to the kitchen where Kae was laughing & talking with Alexandria. Ally being the 1st one to notice us, her face lit up even brighter than it was when she was talking to Kae. "My baby", she cooed holding her arms out for me to give him to her. Kae smiled at them while I helped Ariel get some cookies even though I already knew Alexandria told her no but daddy overrules. Really mama does because she can be scary sometimes but Ari won't get in trouble.

I had just put the cookie jar back where it was but I could feel someone's gaze burning into the back of my head. Yup, I was right. When I turned around Alexandria was glaring at me as she handed Chris to Kae who just shook her head at me as she walked out the kitchen with Ari in tow but not before telling me, "Boi, she gone kill you". I turned my attention back to Ally to be met with a slap. I can't say I didn't deserve that but she knows better than to do shit like this.

"Damn", I groaned holding my stinging face. She rolled her eyes, "Why did you undermine me?", she asked. I looked at her like she was stupid, "You can't be serious? You slapped me behind some damn cookies?", I questioned. She nodded, "That & you always go against me. If I tell Ari one thing you go & do another thing. Look, baby I get that you want her happy but all you undermining me is going to do is make her think that she can too & make you have a bruised up face", she responded before wrapping her arms around my waist & pecking me on the lips.

She was right but damn, my face. "Shit, fine but you better stop beating on me. You know damn well you got hands like a nigga", I teased & she fake gasped. "Take it back", she demanded pinching my sides making me laugh because it tickled more than hurt. "Nope", I responded popping the "p". She had that playful glint in her eyes that I love.

I love her so much & it's amazing how much she's changed my life for the better. She gave me 2 children (Ariel's adopted of coarse), she helped me deal with my emotions better, & not only did she show me love but she loved me. She's been so patient & understanding with my difficult ass. She supports me & always has my back. She loves me & there's not a bone in my body that doubts that. Those are only a few reasons why I know this is right, us but we can be better.


Ah, I can't believe this is about to happen. Here he is a grown man now, a real man. I love my Chrissy but he was a boy, more like a teenager at that. There's been many occasions where i've had to slap some sense into him & he might have lost some brain cells along the way but I apparently slapped them back into him. I'm proud of him.

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