Chapter 26: Baby, Baby, Baby!

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Me & Ariel are in her room packing her bag so that she can go to Christopher's mama's house before we go to the hospital. Today they're inducing my labor since i'm late. These past 9 months have been a bit of a roller coaster but I couldn't be any happier. Everything has been finalized with Ariel & she's happy with us. We let Ariel stay at her school because we didn't want to take her from her friends & she's doing really good in school too. Actually, her teacher said that she was his best student. After whooping her ass so much she's learned to control her mouth but she still has slip ups every now & then. Christopher has been a great dad to her & they're nearly inseparable. I find that so cute & I admit that I get a little upset because they ignore me but I wouldn't change it for nothing.

"Mama are you going to be gone long?", Ariel asked me. Yes, she calls me mama & I cried the first time. I had asked her why & she said because I am her mama. That i'm the only real mama she's ever had & that she loves me for that. I shook my head, "No, but don't worry about it. Daddy's going to come get you from your grandma's in the morning so you can see your little brother", I responded.

She smiled, "Why can't I go with you & daddy today?", she asked. Oh yeah, she calls Christopher daddy too. "Because you can't stay overnight but I promise you can hold your little brother for as long as you want to when you come to visit", I responded. She nodded, "Ok. Ayo' daddy leggo!", she yelled before she ran out her room. I giggled before turning my attention back to packing her bag which she purposely skipped out on helping me do like she always does.


Today I get to hold my son for the first time. I wanted to name him after me but Alexandria said no, that we didn't need another Christopher Maurice Brown. So we're naming Christian Alexander Brown after both of us. Alexandria took a maternity lease & moved in with me so we all live together now. Not only that, it'll make it easier for us with the baby. So i'm in the baby's room getting his bag when I heard Ariel yell followed by footsteps like she was running.

"Daddy! Nigga, where are you?", she yelled. "Ariel!", yup, that'd be Alexandria. I chuckled, "In Christian's room", I yelled back then she came running in the room. "What's up princess?", I asked. She smiled showing off her dimples, "We're almost ready to go but why do I have to go with grandma?", she responded.

"Because...", I got cut off by Alexandria screaming. "Christopher", she screamed & I scooped up Ariel running out the room to her. When I made it to Ariel's room she was leaned against the wall holding her stomach whimpering. I put Ariel down & went over to her. "Ba...", she cut me off.

She shook her head vigorously, "I'm having contractions", she yelled. My eyes went wide, "Shit, Ariel go run grab the baby's bag while I help your mama down the stairs", I said & she took off with a head nod. "It hurts", Alexandria whined. She sounds like she did the morning after we had sex for the first time. She quote unquote said, "Oh, oh my God! I can't, Christopher, Oh God! Nigga, what did you fucking do to me?", & I was cracking the fuck up.

Ok, let me be serious. I helped her downstairs & was about to call for Ariel when she came skipping down the hallway with a Caprisun. "Bag's by the door so leggo", she said walking passed us. Alexandria giggled, "She hangs with you too much", she said before wincing. I rolled my eyes, "Come on before you have Christian right here", I said.

She giggled again wobbling after Ariel. We took her car to the hospital & yeah we brought Ariel with us because everything kinda just happened. Ariel is bouncing off the walls right now & won't sit her ass down for shit. "It's like I've waited my whole life for this one night

It's gonna be me you and the dance floor 'cause we've only got one night,

Double your pleasure, Double your fun and dance, Forever (ever, ever), Forever (ever, ever), Forever (ever, ever), Forever girl forever, Forever (ever, ever), Forever (ever, ever), Forever (ever, ever), Forever on the dance floor", she sung & didn't sound bad neither.

"Ariel, calm down. Chill out baby girl", I told her & she just stared at me for a moment. "Daddy, is Christian coming out?", she asked. I nodded, "Yeah & you can hold him too but first you gotta calm down & wait with daddy, ok?", I responded. She nodded, "Ok", she said then went sat down. I smiled before sitting down next to her & letting her play a game on my phone.

"Did she have the baby yet?", an all too familiar voice asked & I looked up to see Chyna & Tyga. "About to. I'll come get y'all after she does", I responded standing up then leaving them in the waiting room. When I walked Alexandria's delivery room I damn near walked right back out. "Chris get yo' ass in here", Alexandria snapped at me. "Nah, you got it babe", I teased.

If looks could kill they'd be declaring me dead right now. I sighed, "Damn, i'm coming", I mumbled walking over to her. She was already ready to push & when we held hands I instantly regretted it. 1 long ass hour of whining, yelling, & pushing later Christian was finally born. He mostly looks like me but you can easily see Alexandria's features too.

After they cleaned him up they gave him to me & man it was a beautiful feeling. He looked up at me & I couldn't help but smile at him. I glanced over to Alexandria & she was knocked out so I asked the nurse if I could take him with me to the waiting room. She said yeah & we went to go get everyone. When I walked into the waiting room Alexandria's brothers, Ty, Chyna, Kae, Alexandria's friend from work, Nina, my mama, & a sleeping Ariel were all in there.

My mama was the first one to notice us & quickly walked over to us & took him from me. "Awe, look at my grandbaby. Y'all did good baby", she said smiling at Christian. "I know ma. Ally's sleep but y'all can come in the room now", I said walking over to where Ariel was asleep then picking her up. My mama carried Christian back to the room while I carried Ariel & once in the room everybody decided it'd be fun to pass my son around like a game of hot potato.

I got my friends, family, the woman i'm madly in love with & I couldn't be happier right now. I finally get to hold my son & it's nearly impossible to describe the feeling. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately everything & I hope that everything works out. Nah, it's gonna work out. I just know it is.

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