Chapter 24: Child's Play

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If I didn't love Christopher i'd probably break up with his ass right now. He's being even more childish than he was before. I'm gone have to deal with 2 children after I have the baby. It's one thing to be childish when it's just us or we're with friends but we're out in public. It's cute but nerve wrecking too. He embarrassed the hell out of me earlier. You gone love this shit. So we're at the candy store, yes the candy store & he's getting candy. He already had a big ass bag full already but no, he wanted more. I don't even want to go into detail but long story short he ended up getting into a fight with a damn group of kids no older than 9 over some candy. Then because of it we almost got into a fight with their parents behind it. I couldn't deal for shit when that happened but hey, I love the hell out of him.

"What flavor do you want babe?", Christopher asked me. Yeah, we're out getting ice cream. "Chocolate Vanilla Swirl", I responded glancing at him. He ordered & paid for our ice cream before we walked out holding hands. He's so excited about the baby even if i'm barely a month. So we're walking around the mall when a little girl no older than 6 walked up to us.

"Are you Chris Brown?", she asked looking up at him. He smiled before squatting so they'd be close to eye level with each other. "Yeah, what's your name?", he said. She giggled, "Ariel like the little mermaid", she responded. "Awe, well aren't you a little cutie", he cooed.

She turned to me & looked me up & down. "Who she?", she asked pointing to me. "My girlfriend, Alexandria & it's rude to point at people", he responded. She looked at him just staring for a moment before cocking her head over to the side. "So is beating women but I didn't ask you now did I nigga?", she sassed.

I wanted to laugh so bad but the shit was outta line. All the way outta line. "Lil' girl where's yo' mama?", he asked standing up straight shaking his head. "She's with her boyfriend right now. Why you wanna beat her too?", she responded. My nigga, where does she even come from?

Nope, time for me to say something. "Nah, but I do. You obviously haven't been taught anything because if you was you'd know better. Now we're going to find your mama before I whoop your lil' ass & no I don't give a damn who she is or where she's from. Now come on", I said taking her by the hand. Both him & her looked at me stunned but I ignored it & started walking. 

We walked around for over 30 minutes & nothing. Where the hell was her mama? "Baby slow down before you drag lil mama", Christopher said. I turned around & glared at him. "We have to find her mama. She shouldn't be off by herself", I responded. He sighed & picked her up, "Yeah but she looks tired so let's let her rest some then we'll keep looking for her", he said.

I sighed, "Fine but let's go get something to eat", I said walking away with them in tow. We went to McDonald's & ordered 3 Happy Meals. I didn't want one but they both agreed I needed cheering up. After we ate we went to look for her mama again but we still couldn't find her. Personally i'm starting to think that the trifling bitch is hiding from Ariel but I could be wrong.


We've been looking for Ariel's mama for over an hour now but we can't find her. I don't even have to ask Alexandria if she's pissed because it's clear as day on her face. I feel like her bitch of mama abandoned her. I mean the least she could've done was leave her at a hospital or some place where she would've been safe. I feel bad for Ariel because although she's a little smartass I know her mama obviously could give 2 fucks about her. What kind of mother chooses a man over her child? So called mothers these days bruh.

"Baby let's just take her with us", I suggested. Ariel turned to look at her, "Can I until my mama come gets me?", she pleaded giving her the puppy dog face. "N... Christopher not you too", she said. I had to help Ariel. I couldn't just leave her alone or with someone I didn't know whether I actually know her or not.

"Please babe, it'd make me feel so much better than leaving her with somebody", I pleaded. She shook her head, "Come on before I change my mind", she said. Ariel hugged me, "Thank you Mr. Brown", she said. I chuckled, "No prob lil mama but call me Chris. You make me feel old", I responded. She giggled, "But you are old Mr. Brown", she teased.

We left the mall joking around & getting to know Ariel better. She's a cool kid but she just has a mouth on her. Who am I to say something about it though when I know I do too. We're at Alexandria's house right now & Ariel's watching tv in the living room. "What are gonna do Christopher?", Alexandria asked me making us all dinner.

I sighed, "I don't know. Go to the police station & file a report I guess. I think i'm attached to her & I don't wanna leave her with anybody especially not her bitchass mama", I responded frustrated. She turned off the stove & came sat on my lap. She smiled, "I know baby but we'll go to the police station after dinner & we'll just bring her back with us until someone comes forward for her then...", she trailed off. "Then?", I asked curiously as to where she was going with this. She pecked my lips, "Then imma whoop her mama's ass", she responded.

I chuckled, "No fighting Alexandria. You're pregnant so you can't be doing shit like that", I told her. She rolled her eyes, "Who said anything about fighting? I said whoop her ass meaning it's all gone be me", she responded. I laughed & pecked her lips again. "Go get Ariel so we can eat", she said getting up off my lap but I quickly pulled her back down & kissed her.

2 hour later we were at the police station filing a report. "Ms. Payne, we will call you as soon as we get word. Have a good night", the officer said to Alexandria. She thanked him then I carried a sleeping Ariel to the car with her following behind us. By the time we got to my house it was after 1 in the morning.

I put her in the guest bedroom across from mine before going & joining Alexandria in my room. When I walk in the room she was sitting up in bed with her back against the headboard. I got in bed & layed down facing her. "What's on your mind?", I asked wrapping my arms around her waist. She sighed, "I want to adopt Ariel. It's not fair to her that her mama is so fucking stupid & chose some punkass nigga over her. Now you can't tell me that he's not a punkass nigga when he let her choose him over her own child. I'm seriously hoping that they don't even hear word back for her so I can adopt her", she responded & to say that I wasn't speechless would be a lie.

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it back. I took a deep breath, "When did you decide this?", I asked. She looked down at me. It looked like she was glaring but she wasn't. "When we were filing the report. You don't have to be there if you don't want to but I am. If no-one comes forward in a week's time i'm gone adopt her. Better yet, tomorrow i'm gone talk to a social worker. It'll make things move even faster", she responded.

From the look in her eyes I knew there was no changing her mind. Hell she can be just as stubborn as me so there's no point. I sighed, "I'm with you baby. You're right, it's not fair & besides it can prepare us for our baby too. Plus she's grown on me", I said. She smiled at me before straddling me. I raised a brow smirking, "There's a child right next door", I teased.

She rolled her eyes, "Nigga no. Goodnight Christopher", she said before she pecked my lips & rolled off of me. She layed down next to me then put her leg across both of mine & her arm across my stomach, like she was scared I was gone try to leave her, before laying her head on my chest. I chuckled wrapping my arm around her & kissed her on the forehead. "I love you", I said. "I love you too", she mumbled & a few minutes later we were both asleep. I hope everything works out for the good with Ariel.

«So 1st I want to say thank you to everyone who has read this. Over 1,000 reads & it really made me feel some type of way, happy. So thank you for that. Vote/ comment, thanks again.»

Fall: A Chris Brown Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now