Chapter 15: Family Affair

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Me & Chris are meeting my family (brothers) for dinner. I'm nervous about him meeting them probably more than he is. See, my brother is out of prison & him along with our 3 other brothers are super protective of me. He was supposed to have been met my family but all that other stuff happened so he never did. I told Christopher about my oldest brother but I didn't tell him about my other 3 half-brothers from my dad. 2 are in college while the other, well the other is a drug dealer. I'm not proud of his choice but I still love him nonetheless. Anywho, we're here. Shit, I didn't even notice it until just now. Wish us luck.


So I finally get to meet Alexandria's family & I swear she's nervouser than me. In the car she told me about her having 3 other brothers along with the 1 that got out of prison about a month ago. I admit that i'm a lil' nervous but not really though. Whether her family likes me or not won't change our relationship but I still want them to like me. I really just hope that they don't judge me. When we got to her dad's house a dude that looked around my age opened the door.

"What's up sis?", he greeted pulling her into a bear-hug. She giggled, "What's up Ken?", she responded hugging him. They pulled back from each other smiling at each other. "K, this is my boyfriend Christopher. Christopher, this is my brother Ken", she introduced. He looked me up & down, "Christopher? Damn, what is you, his mama A?", he joked.

She rolled her eyes, "Nah, my mama don't even call me Christopher", I said. He shook his head, "Damn, still on your prep shit I see?", he said. She glared at him & gave him the bird before going in the house. We followed her on in & went in the backyard where her other brothers were. When we got outside the little bit of nervousness that I had faded when I saw that I already knew 2 of her brothers.

"What's up B, Ty?", I said. They looked up & shook their heads at me. "Hell nah bruh", Brandon said smiling. "Damn, she dating you nigga?", Tyrin joked. I chuckled, "Well a fuck y'all too", I joked back. The 3 of us chuckled while Ken & their other brother who's name I still don't know just looked at us like we was stupid.

"Explain", Ken said sizing us up. "Met back '08", Tyrin responded. Ken nodded & left it at that. "You treating our sister right or we gotta leave your ass out here somewhere?", the oldest one asked. "I'm a be honest, I haven't been the best I could've been but I love y'all sister. I'm in love with her & I don't plan on ever not having her a part of my life. She brings out the best in me. She saw the best in me when everybody else saw the worst. I love her", I responded & they all just looked at me for a moment.

Ken, Tyrin, & their oldest brother nodded while Brandon just had to say something stupid. "The fuck you 'pose to be, Marvin Sapp?", he asked making his brothers laugh while I just shook my head trying not to laugh too. "Y'all getting along or?", Alexandria asked from the doorway. "Go your retarded ass in the house. Men talking now bye lil' girl", Ken said. She glared at him, "Funny how my dick is bigger than yours & i'm the lil' girl", she responded sarcastically.

I was cracking up at Alexandria & her brother. I was hella amused because even though i've been there when she's had a back & forwards with someone she's never been like this. For a second I really thought she was too innocent to use such language, as she tells me. "Damn, I didn't even know she was like that", I laughed. "Bruh, you haven't seen shit until you've lived with her ass", her oldest brother said.

I nodded, "One-day I will but y'all better get off my woman", I responded. They smirked, "Whatever nigga. That's our baby sis & we'll get on yo' ass too. Now bring ya high yells ass on", Brandon said. I rolled my eyes & they laughed. "Josh, what you think about A, choice?", Ken asked as we all went in the house.

"He's good but shit, as long as she's happy that's all that matters", he responded. We all sat in the kitchen talking & drinking for a while getting to know each other better. Alexandria's brothers are real cool even when they started grilling me they was still cool about it. I don't know why she was nervous, hell I was nervous but whatever.

[Later: @ Chris' House]

"You like my brothers?", she asked me looking at me nervously. I shook my head, "Do you like your brothers?", I responded. She rolled her eyes, "Stop playing", she snapped. "Stop playing", I mocked her. She shook her head, "You're too old to be playing like that Christopher", she said.

I chuckled, "Am I really? Then you're too old to be so ticklish", I responded. "I'm...", I cut her off tickling her. She started giggling like a child. "Say i'm sexy", I teased tickling her. She giggled rolling around, "N-no", she stuttered. "Say it Alexandria", I demanded straddling her while I continued tickling her.

"Chr-Chriiiis", she whined giggling under me. I laughed, "Chr-Chriiiis", I mocked. "St-Stop!", she yelled giggling. "Say Christopher you're so sexy & I just love yooou", I teased.  She had tears streaming down her face she was laughing so hard.

"Say it or I won't stop", I demanded. "Fi-Fine. Chri-Christopher you're s-so sexy an-and I-I ju-just lo-love yooou", she laughed. I stopped like I promised leaning down & pecking her lips before getting off her. When she looked at me I already knew she was mad so I kissed her passionately as a distraction before I took off running. She chased after me throwing shit at me every now & then. It was so damn funny & we spent just about the rest of the night chasing each other around the house like 2 overgrown kids.

«My bad on not updating in a while but i've been so out of it lately. I don't expect any votes for this chapter but hey, vote if you like it. Anywho, i'm a update again tomorrow & go back to my normal timeframe so deuces.» 

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