22: love is worth fighting for, part two

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Ps: book almost reaching its end

Pps: too excited not to post this, so here you go!

Ppps: v v emotional

22: love is worth fighting for, part two

So apparently, Sage and Belle had to head home early to discuss the bills and the like. You had offered to go with them and help, but they negated, saying you have new reasons for staying out later than you were supposed to (main cause: Daniel Howell).

You had just finished your bubble tea, now throwing away the plastic container it was once inside in. Adjacent to you was the trash can, so you simply jerked your hand and shot it inside. Dan and Phil were sitting right next to you, doing nothing but talking about their apartment and the rent and electricity bills. You started to think you should've gone with Belle and Sage to help and organize taxes, but they had declined, so...

"Hey, (Y/N)," your brother called out. "Are you dating Dan?"


"Phil, that's almost as if you're asking if grass is green." Dan narrowed his eyes at Phil's question, causing you to laugh slightly.

"Hey, grass can wilt and turn brown!"

"No, but isn't grass usually green anyway?"

"Not the point, Dan." Phil rolled his eyes jokingly and turned to you once more. "Are you?"

"Is grass green?" Was your answer, which had caused Phil's palm to come in contact with his face and Dan to guffaw slightly and clutch his stomach. After which, he out his arm around your shoulders and kissed your forehead.

"Wow, I love you." He muttered as he looked towards the cloudy sky, peppered with specks of white and the sun peeking out of some of the cotton balls. Smiling, you squeezed his hand and leaned your head on his shoulder. "I love you too."

Dan and Phil had left you to your own devices along the way home, seeing as it was still a safe environment as it was only 3 in the afternoon. Taking the tube home, you spotted a couple similar to Belle and Sage's relationship - which only made you smile and think how beautiful the world was, now that people were more accepting of each other compared to before.

The ride on the tube was ephemeral, and upon getting onto the platform, you walked fast, not hesitating to hurry to your neighborhood and sleep again in the comfort of your own home. Greeting some neighbors along the way, you put one foot in front of the other as your maroon housing made its way into your line of vision. You dug your bag for your keys hastily and reached for them, quickly jabbing them inside their respective holes to open the door.

Your house was empty.

Voices, particularly Belle's and Sage's, were screaming at the top of their lungs on the floor above you, footsteps making the ceiling above your head seem like falling off. You took your coat off and walked towards the kitchen table, where several papers and pens and a roll of tape and markers lay unkempt and quite messy, evidence of being occupied just a few minutes ago...perhaps an hour. You put your bag on one seat and leaned on one knee which had stayed on the same seat as your bag, bringing some of the papers close to your face.

Why was there a contract from the landlord?


Sage bought this house. She is her own landlord.

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