Chapter 1

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Authors Note 

I know i said after "Life of A Husky " Ended First Chapter would be up i got to excited for this So Here You Go!!

Lily's POV

My story Starts when i was a young werepup i was happy cheerful little pup not afraid of anything or anyone. That all changed when my mother Rosily died from cancer i was only 8 years old.
My father Then said sense my mother is no longer there to care for him that i would become his personal slave. I sat there staring at him wondering why he did not even care about the fact that my mother died.

He then took his hand and smacked me across the face. I could not believe what he just did . " there will be more where that came from if do do not obey me " he said.

I was trembling in fear he was a alpha they do not do things as in abuse their kids. "Feed ME NOW" He screamed. I had no clue how to cook or do anything i was only a child i had not even had my first shift yet!

I walked away sobbing i went into the kitchen and i called my aunt and she came and taught what i needed to know. She felt bad for me but their was nothing she could do he was the alpha." He treated your mother the same way dear" she said.

I just whimpered in fear until my "father" came out. " What is taking you SO LONG" He growled. I just put my head down and cried. He made my Aunt Leave then as soon as she left he beat me...

I had Wounds all over my back and stomach. Some bleeding some just Bruise sense i was a werewolf they should have healed quickly. They did at first but the wounds just kept coming to quickly that my body could not heal them fast enough.I have been living this way for 8 years. I was bruised from head to toe. 


Now you know my back story and how horrible my life really is. My Wolf always talks to me and keeps me comforted i have no friends i do however go to school.

Nobody talks to me they just talk about me behind my back. So Hazel {My Wolf} is my best friend she hates that we have to go through this.

I had my first Shift when i was 14. I am now 15 my birthday is in 4 months and on my 16th birthday i will find my mate.

I shift a lot and i run into the forest just to be alone and to tend to my wounds, But I can never Wander past the old log or my father thinks I am trying to escape.

"Hazel why does my life have to be so horrible?" i asked Hazel this question often.

"I am so sorry that we have to go through this but do not worry when we get our mate this year he will take care of you and help us get Rid of that Jerk of a father of yours Emmett." she said.

" I do not know if i can wait 4 more months." When i got Home i got Beat again.

I hardly ate Emmett would not allow me to he only Allowed me a piece of meat once a week.

I was very Skinny you could see my bones.

I was always very tired after i shifted because it took a lot of energy to shift.

I barely had any energy from the lack of times i had eaten.

I would make Emmett dinner and go upstairs and lay on the floor.

I had no bed the only thing i owned was a baby blanket my mother made for me when i was a baby.

That was the only thing i had to claim as mine.

4 months i thought i cant wait that long i have to leave i cant stand this pain any longer.

I will leave Tomorrow Night Emmett wont even be able to tell im gone. 

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