Chapter 4

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Can We All Just Take a minute to enjoy this moment and fantasize over Jacob? 

That's all continue :}


Lily's POV

"Does He have this feelings to Hazel?"i asked my wolf."

"You should ask him." She said

" Are you crazy i don't even know him!" i snapped she kept quiet after that.

I stared at the large man he had brown hair These golden eyes he wore Black jeans with a Navy T-shirt. He got up and walked over to me my heart was pounding.

Was he going to kill me? He spoke to me calmly and quiet " Greetings My name Is Alpha Jacob but you may call me Jake. I am alpha of the Silver Moon Pack. What brings you to my territory?" I could not speak his voice made my wolf howl in happiness.

" I uh- uh My name is Lily I am a rouge." i said shyly.

" Why are you a rouge and why do you have so many wounds!?" He asked a little more angered this time.

" I-I left my pack and i don't want to talk about my wounds." i shivered in fear.

Then i got some courage to speak before he answered '" Also it's None of your Business!!" I growled.

He stared at me in shock. He was not the only one in shock I just yelled at a alpha!

" Actually it is my business!! I saved your behind and this is how you repay me!! I asked you a simple question!!"

"You know  didn't have to save my behind ." I mumbled  "Why did you?" I questioned I knew why but I wanted to hear what he had to say.

He growled then stormed out then the doctor came in "Don't mind him he has anger issues. I am Doctor Vivan I am the Silver Moon pack doctor. What your name sweetie?"

I stared at her she seemed nice "My name is Lily. I am from the River Pack." She stared at me with shock. "You are Alpha Emmett's daughter?!"
She asked surprised

I don't blame her for a alphas daughter I am quite weak and small. "y-yes" I replied shyly.

"You are quite small and weak for a alphas daughter.Did you do those wounds?" She asked worried.

I did not know what to say I tried to hold my tears back but I could not. I just let my tears come out until they turned to sobs. "What happen Lily?" Dr.Vivan asked

I just shook my head  " I don't want to to talk about it." I said while tears still rolled down my face

"Your lucky we got to you in time lily you could have died." Dr.Vivan stated.

I probably would have been better off dead.

Sorry for a short chapter next one will hopefully be longer. A Husky's life next chapter should be up soon! Thanks for reading don't forget to like

Until next time :)

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