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Sadly Yes This Is The End... I really Hope You Guys enjoyed this book as much As I Did! My editing Skills Have Come Far since My First Book Life Of a Husky!

Song: See You Again ~ Wiz Khalifa  


Lily's POV {For The Last Time ;[ 10 Years Later~

I slowly Stalk around the Corner 

I silently approach my target and Then....

"BOO!" My 3 year old son Brandon Screams and Tackles me to the Ground 

"Not Again" I giggle and Push Him Off Me 

"It Was Daddy's Idea!" He Yells Than Points At my mate whose eyes go wide

"Hey! I-I'm Just the observer here!"

"Oh Really?" I ask Brandon He Nods his head then smirks up at Jake

I stand up and swiftly walk and stand in front of my mate

I then Rapidly Poke Him in the chest which he Backs Up in the process

"How Many Time Do I Have To Tell YOU Jacob, Stop putting OUR son Up to bad habits Or So Help Me God I Will--" I was Cut Off

"Mum! Dad! I'm Home from School!" My 10 year old daughter Charity Yells

Jake Hold his arms open and Charity runs into his arms

"Hey Char Bear!" Jake nuzzles his pup then lets her go and she runs into my arms

"Hey Baby" She Nuzzels her face in the crook of my neck. Why do all My kids do that?

She let's go of me then goes down to Brandon's size

She ruffles his hair "Hey baby Bro"

He swats her hand away "I'm not a baby" He pouts

'I hate it when out pups are sad' Hazel whimpers in my mind I agree

"No bud your our big strong man" He giggles then yawns

"Char you mind doing your mum a favor?" Jake asks Char

"Yes Daddy?"

"Will you take Brandon upstairs for his Nap?"

She nods her head and picks up Brandon and carries him upstairs

I plop down on the couch and let out a exhausted groan

Jake plop down next to me and wraps his arms around me

He kisses my forehead

"How does pizza and a nice long massage sound? We can get Jewel to watch the pups and we can have a night to our selves"

I nod my head happily at my mate

We do this every weekend we get someone to watch the pups so we can relax

Let's just say life has been treating me and my mate fairly

Between me and Jake we have some fights but what couple doesn't! Other than that he is super sweet!

Our life has been great with us our pups, Friends, Family, and pack

We Are Brave
We Are Strong
We Are Silver Moon


OMG Guys I'm Seriously Going To Cry! This is so sad but Happy!

I Really am sorry for the Wait on this but I have been feeling under the weather and plus I was away for 10 days so yea super sorry!

I Really Hope you guys enjoyed This Book and I still am and Will accept Covers for this Send them to my email at puppylove11908@gmail.com

Until Next Time.... Love you my Faithful Readers!

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