Chapter 11

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Jacobs POV

I wake up with a big ray of Sunshine in my face.

I groan in frustration.

I pat around Lilys side of the bed only to find it Cold like she has been gone for a while.

I sit up in a panic as all these horrible thoughts rush to My head.

What if she was kidnapped?

What if she left Me?

What if....

I was pulled out my thoughts when she called my name from down stairs.

A rush of relief goes over me.

I jog down the stairs to see my mate in her Robe cooking breakfast.

"Put some clothes on what happens if a unmated male comes in here!" I snarl at her appearance as I use my Alpha tone.

"S-sorry a-alpha I w-will c-change right a-away." She shook in fear


'Okay so now you decide to join where have you been anyway!' I snap at my wolf who has been like gone for days.

'Busy doing ... umm....stuff?' He says more like a question

Before I can answer he cuts the connection.

I sigh and i look back at my trembling mate.

"Lily I'm sorry I overreacted please..."

She interuppted me.

"JACOB! If any guys look at me i will snap their neck no need to yell at me I have had enough of that in my life Already!" She snaps.

She then turn all the kitchen stuff off. She turn to face me with tear streaming down her face.

"Lily please."

She puts her hand up and then she shifts ripping all her clothes she is now in her white wolf form as her golden eyes glow.

She bolts for the back door and runs to the forest line.

I shift into my black Wolf and Catch up to her easily being a alpha has it's pros and Cons.

She stops under a Willow tree and is staring off into the distance.

She is no longer crying no she is shaking in fear not of me no of the Big red wolf that emerged from the trees.

He goes behind a tree and Shifts.


"Alpha Jacob long time no see how are your parents? Oh right they are dead!" He snickers and I growl

"Woah easy boy I'm not here to fight I'm here to take back what's mine so if you will just hand my daughter over to me I will be in on my way and we won't have any problems."

I look over at Lily she is in shock I go behind a tree anf shift and Lily does the same.

"Over my dead body Emmett!"

"That Can be arranged.."

Toby and Tim come up behind me.

"You sure about that?" Toby smirks

"This is not the End trust me I will get you back Lily if it's  the last thing I do!" He growls and runs off.

Lily starts sobbing uncontrollably.

I walk over to her I try to hug her but she scoots away from me.

She sniffles "Why didn't you let him take me Jacob?"

I growl "Because Lily you are my mate  and I Love you I will never let that Bastard touch you ever again."

She gets up and runs into my arms and I place my face into the crook of her neck and inhale her scent.

I then pull her face up to mine and our lips Connecct sending sparks and Tingles everywhere.

I kiss her gently but hungrily. I bite her bottom lip to ask for entrance and she grants it happily.

Our tounges battle for dominance I win.

We pull away breathless and i lay my forehead on hers.

"I'm so sorry for overreacting love."

"Its okay sorry I snapped and thanks for saving me from Emmett."

"Yeah well you will not leave the house without a guard now I dont want anything happening to you."

She smiles. "Race yah back to the house!" She then shifted mid air.

Before I had time to protest she bolted towards the house.

' She is something else but that's why I love her' Ted snickers

I shift and Chase after her only to find her pinned to the ground by one of our unmated warrior wolves.

She was yelping and Whimpering.

I ran and charged at the warrior and before he could do anymore I snapped his neck.

Before I could protest Ted took Over...


Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates I am currently moving to My new house so i will update when i can

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