Chapter 6

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Lily's POV

I know he is thinking about something that would revolve around revenge on my "Father."

Although he deserves it for whatever he did To Jacobs parents which he still won't tell he says its not the right time.

Anyway I also know He deserves it for what he did to me but i just don't think revenge is the best idea.

When we returned "Home" I guess that's what i will call it for now. Jacob insisted that i stay in his room so he could keep an eye on me.

I told him there was no way in hell that was happening because i knew for a fact that he would come in bed beside me when i fell asleep. 'Why is that so bad he is our mate' Hazel decided to join in because i was talking about Jacob she has been pretty quiet.

'Look Hazel i'm still getting used to this mate thing and i'm sorry i know that's what you want but i just don't think i'm ready for that yet.' Hazel sighed then blocked our connection

After arguing with Jacob i got my way like i knew i would. He took me to the Room right next to his.

I walk in to a Teal Room with a King Bed and cream satin sheets and big fluffy pillows.

There was a tall wooden dresser in the corner next to it was a Mirror with a vanity to do make up and hair. I walk over to the closet to see it filled with new clothes and shoes all my size.

"I had some of the She-Wolves get you a wardrobe i figured you were not up to shopping yet." Jacob said while scratching his head.

I ran over and embraced him in a huge hug that had sparks flying everywhere my hold body was tingling and Hazel was howling with joy inside.

"Thanks so Much Jacob!" I said while still hugging him.

"Anything for my Girl." He said while stroking my hair. After a while he left and i laid on my bed and started watching a show called

"Teen Wolf".OMG it's now my favorite show i watched all the seasons. Jacob brought me dinner and i ate while watching "Teen Wolf".

After i finished and got washed up for bed i laid on the big Fluffy Bed and i was out like a light.

"Stop Stop Stop!!" I screamed as the searing pain was once again stinging my back.


"I-Im sorry Sir i will do better next time." I say in between sobs

I watch as he unbuckles his pants and is nude in front of me

"This will teach you BITCH"

"Lily! Lily! LILY WAKE UP!!"i wake up screaming and shaking frantically while tears pour down my face. I feel myself being pulled into a hard chest as i sob even harder.

"I-I w-was g-getting b-beaten a-and a-and..." He cut me off

"SHHH SHH its okay now i'm here it's over it was all just a dream Lily." 

I start to calm down and i feel us being laid down Jacob not letting me go i feel comfort as we lay there i nuzzle into his chest. 

"You good my sweet?" Jacob cooed

"Yea that nightmare felt so real." 

"Don't Worry i will protect you."

Before i knew i started to drift to sleep again. Still nuzzled into Jacob's hard chest. I felt comfort with him being there i never wanted him to leave me. Darkness then surrounded me and i was sound asleep.


Hey guys i know this Book was on Hold but i got bored and decided to write a chapter. I'm not sure when next chapter will be up i'm kind of having writers block right now. Don't Forget to Send me Your covers For any of my Books To me Via Email I hope to see some of your wonderful creativity!

Thanks For Reading ........Love you my Faithful Readers.......

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