Chapter 14

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Lily's POV

I quickly follow after Jake to see him cornered by 5 rouges.

"Why are You on MY TERRITORY rouges!!" Jake snarls

"Oh You must be Alpha Jacob and you Must be Lily! Emmett Was Right she is beautiful!" The rogue sneers moving closer to me

"Emmett put you up to this that Bastard!" Jacob Snarls His eyes flashing between Black and grey meaning his wolf is near the surface.

"Calm down Alpha we are not here to steal her Yet..." The next rouge explains 

"Then why are you here?" Jake asks

"To make a Preposition young Alpha" The Leader of the group snickers


"Let me just speak my word then we will leave your territory" The small rouge that was behind them spoke up

"Fine" Jake Grumbles "Make it Quick"

"Alpha Emmett says if you give Lily up nothing will happen to your precious pack and Family!" The rouges snicker and disappear running into the shadows.

"Jake I t-thought your parents were dead you don't have any Family Right?" 

Jake looks at me his eyes pitch black. "They are talking about my sister who is travelling the world to find her mate her name is Jade and she is my little sister i don't want anything to happen to neither of you!" Jake growls and starts to pace

I walk towards him so that i can calm him down but he growls and snaps at me.

I cower down in fear as he looks at me with Murderous eyes. 

I shiver and i quickly shift into my White wolf with black markings

I shiver and i quickly shift into my White wolf with black markings

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"Lily calm down shift back please i did not mean to snap at you." Jake says with Regret in his eyes and worry.

I shake my big wolf head and When he tries to approach me I hunch my back and bare my teeth.

"Now Lily Love don't be like that you know i won't hurt you Right?" Jake asks with Hope glistening in his eyes 

I shake my Wolf head and then i Dart Running fast but i know he will easily catch me. 

I keep running until i feel something sharp hit my side making me tumble and hit a log. 

I try to lift my head to see what it was but i see another werewolf in human form with a dart gun and i let out the best growl that i could.

"Now Now Luna Don't Be like that" He Spats 

'Lily! Lily! Answer ME! I can Feel your Pain What happen I'm On my----"

The Connection was cut when i felt what ever was in that dart start to get thru my whole body whatever it is it's making me force shift 

That only Means one Thing ....

Wolf's Bane

Then Darkness consumed me

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