Chapter 10; End S. 1

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Pearl (POV)

I can't believe it. Garnet and I are getting married! I never was so excited. We still won't plan our wedding, since we aren't ready for this yet, but she asked me and I, of course, said yes! We still want to keep it a secret from everybody... mostly from the people in our school. I'm sure Jasper will just jump at me when its coming out, so I keep my mouth shut. But Garnet told me that I could tell Peridot, since we became best friends now. As we went to bed, I still was excited about that day. "Garnet?" I asked, while she almost slept with her arms wrapped around me. "Hm?" Garnet asked back. "I love you" I said snuggling deeper into Garnet. "I love you too Pearl" Garnet said, very sleepy, but she kissed me on my neck. "Good night, my Pearl" Garnet said hugging me even more. "Good night Garnet" I said also closing my eyes. Well we slept very fast, because it was a very stressed day.

As we woke up, it already was 7:45 am. We quickly stood up and got ready for school. We arrived at 7:55 am because Garnet drove us there. I kissed her as we walked into the school, and we split up to our friends and I walked to Peridot. Of course I told her the news. She hugged me and congrats me and Garnet. I hugged back, but told her to keep it a secret. She nodded and hugged me again. "Omg guys I am so so happy for you two!" she still said hugging me. I grinned. "it was pretty exiting for me honestly" I said still grinning. "I would freak out if Amethyst asked me that!" Peridot said smirking. The bell ringed and we walked to class. 8:53 am I went to the bathroom, and went on the toilet. After I came out of the cabinet, Jasper stood before the door, blocking the exit. "What do you want?!" I hissed to her. She grinned. "Just wanted to congrats you for your proposal" She said. Peridot didn't tell right? She would never do this! What if it was Garnet? "Thanks" I said, trying to push her away. "Pearl, pearl... please! I'll proof, that I'm NOT going to hurt you when you come with me" Jasper said. "Why should I do that?" I asked Jasper. "Simple. I'm offering you my friendship, and I wanted to show you my good side.
I promise I won't do anything!" Jasper said smiling. I saw her normal smile the first time, and honestly, I believed her. I walked with her out of the school and followed her to a little house. "Here is my home" Jasper said still smiling her soft smile. "It looks cute" I said also smiling. She walked in. It was very dark and behind me, Jasper closed the door and locked it. I still didn't saw anything. "Jasper? Could you turn the lights on?" I asked her asking into the dark. "With pleasure" Jasper said. As she turned the lights on, they blinded me a bit and I looked away. As I looked into the room, tears started to form in my eyes. I saw Garnet, beaten up, tied on a chair. Her shades laid down on the floor, broken. Her eyes were hit blue and red, so was her body. Her clothes were ripped and blood went over all of her body. "G - Garnet!" I said and ran to her. I sat on the floor, looking if she was still okay. She looked at me, weak. "P - pearl" she slowly said. "Garnet please!" I said loudly as my tears ran over my face. "D - don't dare to leave me!" I said. Jasper looked at me, grinning her old, dump grin. "Jasper, you can do everything you want with me, when you call an ambulance for Garnet. "N - no Pearl please.." Garnet said and fainted. "Now!" I screamed at Jasper. Opal stepped out of the shadow, with her phone in her hand. "Yes Mr. It needs to be quick!" Opal hung up and took Garnet out of the dark house. I heard the ambulance car and saw that Garnet was took with it. I sighted, and looked back into the room. Now, Alexandrite, Opal, Jasper, Sugilite and another person who I didn't know, stepped out of the shadows. "Let's beat the crap out of her, girls" Jasper said and they started to kick, punch, hurt and cut me. I screamed loudly, but I did this for Garnet. Just for Garnet.
Garnet... I love you Garnet...

I didn't turn out like I wanted, but its a something. Hope you liked this chapter :) next chapter will be a new season and yeah! Hope you get excited for it! And omg thank you all so so so so much for 100 votes! I didn't believe when I saw it, so thank you so much :0 You are awesome!

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