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"Every rose needs the rain sometimes. But you know that you can dry your eyes this time. Let the song cry."~ August Alsina

Nesha and Monty both came to my house when I came back home after seeing Georgia. They were the last people I wanted to see. Family or not I don't like when the people I love end up dead from my father's orders.

Then they have the nerve not to tell me about it. I expect that shit from the other workers around this bitch not people I trust.

I didn't talk to them when I walked into the kitchen. They both got quiet while staring at me. They can stare all they want, they better not say a damn thing to me. I don't want to hear it. They didn't have the common decency to tell me straight up that they were gonna do what they did.

Quetta didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve it the first time.

"Aye, Chres, nigga we was gon tell you. I mean Nesha was supposed to tell you." Monty was the first to say some shit to me when I opened up the fridge door. "I ain't know shit until we got there."

"Bitch, you knew. Don't even try that." Nesha threw her fork she was using at Monty.

This is another reason these two can't be around each other too long. They always playing with each other. Shit got dangerous a couple of years ago. Nesha told Monty ass she was a better shot than him. He said yeah the fuck whatever. Next thing we know the both of them are in the hospital with bullet holes. Nesha in her leg and Monty had one in his shoulder. Apparently, she won because her was closer than almost killing him.

Try explaining that shit to my father which he did not enjoy. I sat there the whole time watching their asses act stupid. As long as it wasn't me getting in trouble I was cool with them shooting each other. It was entertaining.

"Whatever. Look nigga we sorry. But this not talking to us and shit you doing around here not gonna fly."

"I don't give a fuck what neither one of y'all have to say. Should've said something before it even went down. Fuck the both of y'all. Get out my house."

I tried to walk out the kitchen since I lost my damn appetite looking at these two traitors. I mean how could they? If anything they should have saved her from his orders. Nesha always has to be the glue to make us stick together. She got in my way of leaving and I know better than to put my hands on her.

"Roc you dead ass gonna say some shit like that to us? To me?" The hurt in her voice was evident. "All the motherfucking shit I do for you to make sure you're good. Make you fucking happy and you got the damn nerve to say fuck me. Fuck you. Roc, we hurting too. We got people we don't want to hurt, kill, or just stop fucking with. People we lost to this shit. We going through the same thing you going through. I lost my grandfather to this dumb shit. The last of my family is gone. You and Monty the only people I have and you say fuck me? Roc, I love you, I do, but I guess if you ain't sticking your dick in somebody they don't matter to you. This is the last time I'm going say this shit to you. Grow up like the rest of us before your feelings really get hurt and I'm sure as hell not going to be there for you. I'm done."

All the while she was poking me in my chest and giving me looks of death. She left out the house slamming the damn door. I hope she ain't forget shit because she not coming back in here either.

"Nigga that was foul." Monty shook his head taking the sandwich he had off the counter. "I only do what's right for business. Nesha be riding for your ass the most. And you just gonna say fuck her."

"Monty you can get the hell out."

"Monty you can get the hell out," he mimicked me. "Boy, my room is upstairs. Fuck is wrong you. Chres ain't nobody about to baby you all the fucking time. You nineteen."

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