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"You can understand that my love is pain and how I feel in vain, it's just a woman thang. It's a man's world, but I understand. But there's still nothing different boy, stick to the plan. You be my down ass, withcho round ass. I know I'm feelin' you like you feelin' me. The way you're holdin' my body, the way you touch me." ~ JaRule ft Ashanti

Laughing as she made her way through the crowded dance hall, Georgia leg was occupied by her godson, Jody. At the age of six, he was Georgia's second man in her life. Reaching down once clear of the dance floor, she made Jody get off her leg while she got herself some punch. Tugging on her dress Jody let her know that he also wanted some punch.

She made him a cup but only with a small amount in it. If he gets anything on his clothes, Malik would have a fit. Jamie seen the two at the punch bowl and quickly joined them. Georgia knew she couldn't have one godchild without the other popping up.

"Aunt Gi, Jojo tell you what he did in school yesterday?" Jamie pointed at her brother while looking up at Georgia who was unamused.

"No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me." Georgia bent down to their level, neither of them getting their height from their father just yet.

"He said that Uncle Chres a real nigga and will beat the h-e-double hockey sticks outta this boy daddy." Jamie snitched on her brother constantly, it was a never ending chore Jamie made for herself.

Before Georgia could even ask Jody if it was true or not he was out of sight. Shaking her head, Georgia could tell this party was going to be a long one.

Chresanto came from where the food table was with a plate in his hand, eating like he hasn't ate in days. If he knew, Ida Mae could cook this good he wouldn't have denied all those trips over to their house. Catching Georgia looking at him and his meal he made his way over to her.

Lately, the two haven't seen eye to eye about his rejoining the business. Chresanto thought that since money was getting tight he had to pick up slack but moving around a few cars and packages. Georgia wasn't supposed to know, but Monty's big mouth ruins just about everything.

"You still not speaking to a nigga?" He asked her when Jamie ran off somewhere else sensing  the tension.

"You still moving weight?" She asked causing him to roll his eyes. "I'm not dealing with you leaving all hours of the night anymore."

"Baby, I will stop." Chresanto sat his plate on the table taking a hold of Georgia. "The shop has been slow, bills steady rolling in, you still trying to get your masters. I mean come on. I needed to do something to pick back up. I promise you, I won't do that shit no more. Especially not my Royal on his way."

Georgia looked between Chresanto's begging eyes and her very round stomach. At first, Georgia didn't even want to have a child. Not being married was one of the reasons but she also didn't want the trait of addiction falling down on their child.

Still in recovery, she wanted her child to be healthy and would do anything to keep herself healthy. She wanted to be in her child's life for the long run.

"Doughboy, you out?"

"Badass, you in?"

The two locked their pinkies together. Georgia stood on her swollen toes just to kiss the man she searched all her life.

"Enough of that mushy shit, I need my Gigi." Malik said breaking up their make up session.

Chresanto sucked his teeth leaning down to whisper in Georgia's ear. She blushed hard thanking her dark skin so Malik wouldn't joke about it.

"Nigga stop being freaky. Ain't that how y'all got this one." Malik said point to her belly. "Don't need no more light bright children running around with your big ass lips."

"Man, fuck up before I really beat your ass." Chresanto waved Malik off finding Monty dancing with some girl.

Malik nodded for Georgia to follow him outside so that they can have a talk. Following behind him Georgia seen the growth in Malik in the past six years. He finished school and became a pharmacist for the local hospital. Married Ida Mae when the twins turned three and brought their first house with his savings not too long ago. If anybody had their head on straight it was Malik.

Going outside, Malik helped Georgia sit on the steps to get her off her feet. It was just getting to six o clock and the sun was settling down for the evening.

Malik somehow picked up the habit of smoking but only did it outside and when the kids weren't around. Looking at her godbrother, Georgia smiled at him thinking about how he's been there for her through the years.

"Lik, you got me out here to watch you smoke?" She asked.

"Nah," he took a long drag from the cigarette before throwing it in a near by puddle. "I wanted to talk to my Gigi. What's good?"

"Lik, I'm fine. I'm ready to drop this load."

"Mhmm, where's Ray at? I seen Fawn." He sat down next to her on the step looking off in the parking lot.

Georgia's smile faded causing Malik to wrap his arm around her.

"We're not talking. Lik, I don't fit his image of a perfect daughter. It's doesn't matter what I'm doing he still finds a problem with it. Chresanto knocked me up before marriage. I'm still in school to do shit I can do in my sleep. Lik, he doesn't get it. I can't live my life the way he want me to. It's just not going to happen." Georgia confessed.

"Man, Gigi, fuck what he think you should be doing with your life. That shit kind of played now days anyway. You living for you and yours. Tell his old ass to get a hobby or find a new one. All I'm tryna say is stop trying to please him now." Malik scoffed. "You didn't do that shit in high school so why you doing it now?That shit stressing you out. How many times did you have to go to the hospital because you were spotting? Hella times. How many times somebody had to come scoop you because there was no telling what you would do by yourself? A lot. How many nights you ain't sleep? Plenty, right? Ain't nobody about to tell you this no more Georgia. Stop that shit, cause I don't want you walking around here and next day you gone with no explanation. And you know you have a habit of disappearing and don't nobody know where your dark ass is."

Malik was never one to bring up family problems but he wanted better for Georgia. Even though he felt she was acting like a brat.

"I won't dip off anymore." Georgia sighed.  "You know he wrote a letter before I was born? Saying he wouldn't be one of those parents that expected the best from their kid. Well, he lied. After he found out I was pregnant he's been nothing but an asshole to me. I'm his only child and he's treating me like I can't do this. It may not be in order but dammit I think I'm doing goddamn fine for myself."

"Sure, Gi. And to be honest he just mad you ain't tell him first. He love you. He gonna change his act of his when lil man get here so you gonna be alright." Malik felt himself about to itch for another cigarette so he got up. "Let's go back in before I smoke my whole pack up."

"Lik you not so dumb like everybody thought. Uncle Cole was cool for taking you." Georgia hugged her god brother like she never hugged him before belly blocking most of the space she wanted to fill.

"Yeah, yeah. Like I said. You gonna be alright. I seen you and Chresanto made up after weeks of dumb shit. You and your father been at the dumbshit longer though so I suggest you make it right."

"I hear you."

"So now that's out of the way. I got dibs on that baby being named after me."

"Get out my face, Malik."

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