Sex, Lies And secrets-chapter 5

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Chapter Five

Lauren Turnner

Math had gone just how I expected it to go, boring. All I did in that class was try my hardest to remember what happened last night. It was so weird, I could only remember up to getting to the party and then it all goes blank. Diane said that I was drinking allot but I have never once in my life had a drink, well until now I guess. I was walking to my next class, English. I found a seat between a boy and a girl in the back. The boy on the other side of me had black hair that swung down in his face hiding his eyes. He had an olive toned skin color and a sort of a dark persona to him. It intrigued me.

"I wouldn't if I were you" I turned my head back to the girl's direction.

"What do you mean" She leaned in close to me to whisper into my ear.

"Yea I know he's gorgeous, and the dark sexy type that drags you in and you don't really know why, well he also has a dark side, trust me, many have tried, failed and didn't end up so well."

"Oh, well thanks for the heads up" She smiled and went back to doing what ever she was doing. I couldn't help but look at him again. I turned my head slowly this time to meet his eyes. He smiled at me and looked back in the other direction. The teacher finally drew my attention away from him. He was surprisingly nothing like the other teachers. He was attractive and young. He started off the class by handing out papers and talking about topics we would be going over through the course of the term. As soon as the bell rang I looked over at him hoping that he would say something to me but he didn't, he just pushed past me and left the class room.

"So what do you have next?" The girl came to my side.

"Umm I have gym"

"Oh ok well see you later then, I'm Ashley by the way"

"I'm Lauren" She smiled at me and I returned it. I made my way to the girl's locker room. My day had gone surprisingly well, better than I thought it would have. And then it happened. The one person I wanted to avoid at all costs today came straight up to me in the middle of the hall way.

"How is my angle's first day going?" My father just couldn't help himself. I asked him for a whole week before school started not to come up to me in school especially on the first day, and now he has to call me that. And to tip the scale he tried to kiss me on my forehead.

"Daddy! What are you doing?" I tried to talk in a low voice so no one could hear what I had to call him.

"Oh yea, I forgot, what's up girl how you doing" As much as it was embarrassing I had to laugh.

"I'm fine, and I have to go to class I'll see you later. As I walked away I herd him saying bye and then he almost said the word pumpkin but cut it short when I turned around and shot him a don't you dare look.

The rest of the day went by pretty smooth. I didn't really feel like going home rite away so I stopped at the library for a few hours, reading always seamed to comfort me. After I left I felt a little hungry so I stopped at the ice cream store for a milkshake, just to satisfy my hunger until I got home. On my way into the store I saw the clouds rolling in but I was pretty sure I would be safe from the rain before I got home. Well I was wrong. As soon as I got down the street from the ice cream store the rain came down harder than I have ever seen. And to make it worse I had nothing on me to protect me from it. All I had were the clothes on my back and my bag. I hoped it would let up a little bit and then I could walk through it. There was a green glare coming from the game store next door that caught my attention. I turned my head in its direction and met the same dark eyes from this morning. I smiled at him thinking that he would return the gesture, but he didn't. "Hey aren't you the one from my English class?" He looked me over once.

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