Sex, lies, And Secrets chapter 8

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Lauren Turner

I sat up in bed trying to catch my breath. I looked over to the clock on my night stand and it read five thirty-four. That was the first nightmare I had about a few nights ago. Lately I have been remembering small things from that night. But everything was in such a blur and all mixed up. They were just bits and peices from that night. Like being in the car with Diane and leaving with diane. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I would just stay up until school. I walked over to my closet to get my bag. On the way I stopped in front of the mirror and looked at myself. My hair was up and I was warring shorts and a T-shirt. I would never get tired of wishing I looked like the other girls. I pushed out my belly as far as it could go to try and make myself look like I actually have some meat on my bones. When I got tired of seeing how pathetic I looked I walked over to the closet and took one of the books that I had gotten from the library out of my bag. "Romeo and Juliet" One of my favorites. I sat down on my bed and read until my alarm went off. I put the book down and went to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. I walked down the stairs quietly trying not to wake my parents. I walked in to the living room and turned on the TV and flipped to the weather channel. I sighed when the weather man announced that we would have more rain through out the day. At that moment I wished that I had a car. I turned off the TV and opened my front door to heavy rain and to the sleek black car that took me home last night pulling up in front of my house. I don't know why it was but I got that nerves feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Once again the passenger window rolled down. This time he looked at me.

"Do I really have to ask again" I paused for a second and then closed the door behind me and got into the car. Before I asked any questions I buckles myself in, afraid of how he would drive this time.

"Don't worry I was just having fun with you last night, the look on your face was priceless" He looked over to me and smirked while put his foot on the gas.

"I'm sure it was" I paused for a second. "So why did you pick me up?"

"I wasn't planning on it. I was driving down the block and I saw you stepping out side so I was like fuck it, took you home might as well take you to school. But don't think this is going to happen again, I'm a one time person"

"Oh is that how you are with most of the girls in school?" He let out a low laugh

"Yea just about and it depends on how good the situation is" After a few seconds of silence we pulled up in front of the school. He put the car in park and looked over at me.

"Well, thanks"

"No prob" I didn't know what more to say so I opened the door and got out on the sidewalk. As soon as I closed the door he sped of down the street and turned the corner. I had no idea where he was going but I didn't even get a chance to think about it.

"Second day and already hanging out with the worst of Grandell high" I turned around to find an average brunette girl.

"You're the second person to say something like that to me. Is he really that bad?" I walked over to he and we made our way to a bench by the tree to the left of the school. We sat down and rested ore bags on our laps.

"I ...umm use to know someone who hung out with him, I think he was into some really bad stuff"

"What kind of stuff?"

"I don't know but I do know he's been with a lot of girls"

"Yea I kind of got that" The bell rang ending our conversation. "Well thanks for the info" She laughed.

"Yea no problem, just be careful with that one. My names Nicole by the way"

"Oh I'm Lauren"

"Well I'll see you later Kay" She picked up her bag and walked to the right of the school.

My first few classes went by slowly I was so thankful when the bell rang for my lunch period, not that I was going to lunch any way. I preferred to spend my free time in the library finishing my book. I wasn't sure which was it was so I turned around to see if there were any signs to point me in the right direction. Just then my eyes locked on his. Erick's dark inviting eyes. And then our gaze was cut of when someone walked in front of me. When I did get view of him again he had turned his attention to a girl who he was talking to. I turned my attention back to finding the library. I walked around the corner and up the stairs. When I got to the top I remembered that it was on the first floor. When I turned around I saw him making his way up the steps, He hadn't seen me yet and to avoid a weird moment I walked down the hallway and went down the stairs on the other end of the hallway. Luck for me I ended up right in front of the library.

I walked in and sat at an empty table at the back of the room where no one was. O liked to be alone when I was reading, It felt more relaxing. I took out my book and opened it to the last page I was on this morning. Before the first word even got to pop into my head someone pulled out the chair next to me and took a seat next to me. Irritated I turned my head to the left and there he was again. Slouching in the wooden chair playing with a cigarette lighter.

"Are you following me?" He dident look at me.

"No, I knew where you were going and just decided to walk in the same direction"

"Oh really then I suppose that you think that stalking someone is just looking at them allot?" He looked up at me and laughed.

"Good one. So why are you in hear?"

"Umm...I think the name on the door and the amount of books in hear makes it pretty obvious" I held the book up to his face taunting him a little.

"Oh man, you need a life, I'm guessing this is where you get sexual excitement from to, or do you have to go to the public library for that?" I rolled my eyes and held the book up to him.

"Romeo and Juliet". Don't tell me your one of those girls that think with there heart and not with the brains. You would really be a waist if that's the case"

"And I bet you're the type that thinks with the head in your pants and not with the one on your shoulders"

"Yes I am" He said proudly. "I love thinking with my head, I get a lot of inside information" He smirked and then winked at me.

"I bet you do"

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