Sex, lies, And Secrets chapter 7

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Balie Scott

I paced back and forth outside of his apartment building. School had gotten out an hour ago and I was going to give him hell for what he did to me today in class. And what the hell was taking him so long for crap sake he lived like twenty minutes away from school. Just then I saw him walk out of the parking lot from across the street. When he spotted me he smiled and I did my best not to return it. He got up to me and tried to kiss me and I backed away.

"What's wrong with you, are you on your period again?"

"No I'm not on my period, I'm mad at you" He rolled his eyes and walked into the building with me behind him.

"Is this about that girl earlier today, because if it is you shouldn't be mad"

"And why shouldn't I" We walked in the elevator and headed up to his floor.

"Because she just like all of the other girls in my class that have some pointless attraction to me, not going to happen"

"Did you for get I was one of those girls and now were having hot shower sex" He laughed and then put his arm around me.

"This whole jealousy thing is really turning me on, how about it?" He put his hand on the emergency stop button for the elevator.

"I don't think so, you're not getting of the hook that easy" The elevator came to a stop and I pushed his arm off of me and walked out ahead of him. When I got to his door he came up behind me and grabbed my waist while kissing my neck.

"You know I love it when you fight with me"

"Oh do you?" He turned me around quickly and picked me up pressing my back against his door. "Can you at least wait until we get in to the apartment, not that you're getting anything when we do" He groaned in agony and then placed his lips to mine. Just as soon as I started to forgive him I heard to door being unlocked and we fell backwards into his apartment. Tony grunted as he fell on top of me. I looked up and saw a boy staring down as us surprised and confused.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that I had company.

"Apparently" He stood up and then took my hand and brought me to my feet. The boy that I saw while I wad on the floor wasn't a boy at all. He was a six foot man, well maybe not a man he was probably like nineteen or twenty. And he was oddly familiar. He stared at me the whole time. He still looked shocked and confused but something told me that it wasn't because of how I entered the room.

"This is my brother, Matthew. Matthew this is umm.."

"I think I have an idea. Nice to meet you" He put out his hand for me to shake. There was something that told me not to trust him at all. I know I had seen him before and it wasn't a good thing. I put out my hand and shook his. I didn't say it back I just smiled.

"I'm going to take a quick shower ok, I'll be right out"

"Ok" I walked to the living room and took a seat on the couch. I flipped on the TV and put my feet up. Matthew walked over to the couch and sat on the other end. I tried not to look at him but I felt him staring at me.

"So you and Tony huh"

"What about me and Tony?"

"You're a high school student aren't you?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious, its not every day that I open a door to find my brother dry humping a sexy high school student on the door" I rolled my ryes and turned my attention back to the TV. But a few seconds later I felt him staring at me again.


"Nothing , jus curious"

"Curious about what"

"About wither you got home oh Kay the other night"

"What... what are you..." My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and then bounced back up to my throat. It was him the guy on the bus. But he was hairy and had facial hair and he looked different. But he doesn't any more he cut it all off

. I thought he was like thirty or something and now he's...he's...

"Erick!" I jumped off of the couch and moved to the other side of the room.

"I wouldent do that if I were you" He just sat there calm like he didn't remember what happened.

"And why not?"

"Because you wouldent want a cretin roomer going around your school that might get a cretin teacher fired" I stared at him shocked.

"He's your brother!"

"Its been a long distance relationship, and I'm sure he can find better things to do then teach in a boring as high school. And when this is all over hell have you to blame for loosing his precious job. Now come on do you really want that on your conchance?"

" I swallowed hard and took a seat back on the couch"

"That's my girl" Erick ran into the living room with a towel around his waist.

"What happened?" I looked from him to Matthew then back again.

"Umm...I...umm, I saw a mouse" His face relaxed

"You saw a what?"

"A mouse" He laughed and then looked at his brother.

"Handel that for her for me?" He smiled his devious little smile at him.

"You know I can handle anything" He turned and looked back at me and winked as Tony walked away. When I heard the bathroom door close again I turned back to him.

"What the hell do you want" He got up and walked over to me. He sat down on the couch way to close to me. He leaned into me bringing his face so close to mines our breath mixed.

"I swear I don't care if you're his brother or not if you tuch me again I'll break your nose" He laughed. But I was serious.

"Don't worry you're not my type"

"And what would that be dirty, disgusting, and under paid?" He chuckled again"

"Oh sweetheart lets not bring you're mother into this" I gasped and brought the palm of my right hand across his face.

"You bastard you don't know anything about my mother so try your best to keep her out your mouth" I got up and stood over him. He sat there for a second and then got up in front of me.

"I guess I deserved that one, how about we make up, I hear the bathroom is the best place for that"

"Fuck you!"

"Well if you want to that bad we can do it right hear"

"Thought I wasn't your type"

"Your not but until I find my type maybe we can work something out"

"Your disgusting and it will never happen"

"Never say never"

"In this case I can, trust me" I heard the bathroom door open and Matthew took a step back. Tony walked out into the living room.

"Looks like you to have gotten acquainted"

"Yea, I think this the best one you have had so far"

"Yea she's is" He walked over to me and kissed my neck" Matthew just stared.

"Babe get use to seeing him, he's going to be staying with me for a while" Oh great, my day just keeps getting better. "Isn't that going to be fun" I smiled at Tony.

"I bet it is" Matthew said staring at me with a devilish smile

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