Chapter Twelve

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Warning: I went over-board with details so some explicit scenes coming ahead.

I stepped into the elevator, taken aback to see Harold and Josh inside. My hand instinctivly looked for Kristine gipping tightly.

I turned around wanting to escape but the lift but the doors, unfortunately, have already closed.

I inwardly groaned since our destination seemed to be the same. The 29th floor.

I stood awkwardly at the side with Kristine to my right and Harold to my left "Fancy meeting you girls here" Josh said grinning, interrupted the much hated awkward silence.

"Same goes for you boy-" Kristine's reply was cut short when the elevator started to rumble. The floor shaking violently "Shit" I cursed silently watching the light that interpreted what floor we were in flicker off "Shitshitshithsit" I said continuously as I looked straight into Harold's eyes. I started to hyperventilate closing my eyes shut as tears started to build up. Horrible memories coming back.

I couldn't see mum, dad nor Jordan in the thick smoke that accumulated "Mum!" I screamed into nothing waiting for an answer. I bravely wadded through the thick smoke, coughing abundantly "Jordy?!" I called out loud "Daddy?!" I sobbed as I saw trickles of blood everywhere "Daddy" I cried scared. The blood on the floor got thicker as I approached the elevator "Jordy" I breathed out mouth agape as I saw my little brother drenched in blood.

It was horrid.

I can see his bone sticking out of his elbow, blood flowing from his head, his leg twisted in an unhumane fashion.

It was terrifying.

"Jordy!" I cried louder sobbing violently as I dropped myself beside him "Jordy, stay with me" I demanded weakly as I saw his eyes flutter slowly "Shaira?" he croaked out, his eyes blood red scaring the crap out of me "I can't... Shaira I can't see" he muttered as tears tinted red dripped from his eyes making me sob loudly "You're going to be fine, okay? You're going to stay with me and we're going to be fine" I said shakily hugging him close. He smiled shakily at me before his head rolled to the side, his eyes staring off to nothing-ness.

"Shaira!" someone screamed making me open my tear-filled eyes "Jordy!" I screamed out sobbing "Shaira what happened?" Harold demanded looking at me sternly "Jordy. I-I could've stayed wih him. I-I wan-ted to protect... I" I babbled as the horrible images were burnt into my eyelids "I-I..." I stammered sobbing violently "Shhh" he shushed his eyes inflicting concern "We're going to be alright, okay?" he mumbled into my ear as his body engulfed mine. I somehow slumped down to the ground "We're okay. You're going to stay with me and we're going to be fine, okay? Everything's fine" he mumbled into my ear as I criead into his arm, still shaking violently, slowly falling off to a sleep.

Harold's P.O.V.

"Her brother died in an elevator accident" Kristine said softly as I craddled Shaira's sleeping form, her breath still uneven "She wouldn't speak for a whole year" she continued "We were only 12 and she was horribly close to him. When she finally did speak, she was never really much the same... until she met you" she ended "Me?" I asked curiously "No, when she met the elevator. Of course you" she said sarcastically as she snuggled deeper into Josh "I just" I said taken aback "Why me?" I asked looking at her angelic face "Because she loves you idiot" Josh muttered annoyed.

I smiled softly to myself despite our situaion, my intentions finally clear.

"I love her too"

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