Good dream

207 7 1

Jay p.o.v

We make it back to the house. We see Antwan, Trina, Neil and Valerie there eating.

Antwan: Sup?

: Good

Neil: I saved some food for you and Daveon if you guys want it.

Daveon: I'm not really that hungry. Imma try to start working out if my stomach is up to it. Y'all can have it

Antwan: Hell yea!!!

Anty gets up and quickly gets the food. Then he looks at me

Anty: Oh are you hungry I forgot about you.

: Haha no I'm good

Trina: You're sure?

: Im positive. Imma take a short nap ok?

Trina: Ok Neil and I are going to my house real quick

: Ok

I walk upstairs to my room and lay down onto the bed. My eyes starts fluttering , trying to stay up, but I guess the sleep got me.......

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