Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Good morning!!" I rubbed my eyes, smearing my eyeliner. But when i looked up, i saw my mom bright eyed.. I hated morning people but *sigh* shes my mom..Wait. Im at home? But, I remember being with Jeff and Jack and..What??

"You were sleeping for along time, it's already 2:17! Wake up and get dressed, we are going to meet some friends of mine." Then my mom cheerfully skipped out of the room. I shook my head and flung myself out of my oh-so comfy bed. I pulled on some black skinnys, Black viel brides tank and red converse. Fixed my eyeliner a bit and tied my hair into a bun.

"Are you ready yet!??" My mom yelled from down the stairs.

"Yeah, hang on a sec!" I shouted back. Making sure to close my window. I still was confued about what hapened last night..was i dreaming? Did i just make that up? I dont know but it was bothering me.

"C'mon, lets go." My  mom cmanded as we both stepped out of the house. It's s-so cold.. Just then I saw a hoodie on the ground, it seemed to appear out of nowhere, I looked up, left, right..nothing. Guess a tank top isn't gonna cut it so I pulled the black hoodie over my bed head hair and went on my way. I turned on the radio to get my mind straight, usually music helps me escape but this radio acted as if it hated me, just making me even more stressed.

"Last night, a man known as Darrel White was found dead outside of the abandoned boxing gym, Reporters say that the mans mouth was cut open, while his insides had left his body..We will get back to you on this breaking news update, " I sat there frozen. Now I remembered, I was human bait, and Jeff and Jack they made me do it. Great. I was already expecting cops to question me but not this fast! sirens. We got pulled over, by who? ofcourse, the police! Just as I said I don't have goodluck, not in my life.

"Excuse me ma'am, but are you Jess Bakerson?"

I Clenched my fist inside of Jacks hoodie, now knowing it was his,"Yes.."

"We'd like you to come with us please-"

Ofcourse my mom had to bud in,"Um Excuse me? You'r not taking my daughter anywhere without me!"

"Ofcourse ma'am, the both of you just follow us." Me and mom simultaniously sighed nd did as they asked. It seemed like hours of driving downtown but once i checked, only 15 minutes. Once we parked and I immedietly took of Jacks hoodie, The last thing i need is evidence i was there. We followed them in side a room but they wouldn't let my mom in, I didn't mind.

"So what do I have to answer?" I said with a tone, I tried to make it obvious that this dude wasn't my favorite person right now.

"Just answer a couple questions please,"


"Okay, have you heard abut Darre-"

"Darrel White? Yeah I heard on the radio right before we were rudely pulled over.." The dude just looked at me and breathed deeply.

"Well we got a report of someone saying they saw you there, " I went blank.

"ahem..uhm, I was actually with my friend , Dustin."

"Doing what"

"Thats none of your buisness." I got cocky, "Look can i just leave now?"

"...Yes ma'am. Thank you for your time." All i did was raise my eyebrows in a "I don't care" smirk. Finally i was on my way, i told my mom to drop me off at hime becuase i really didn't care for her friends, so she did. When I came to my front door, I realized i didn't have a key.

"Crap!" ...."Oh! Yeah." I rememberd. We hid a key in the fake alovera plant pot when i was in middle school. So, I used it, unlocked my door and nearly crapped my pants do to who was on my couch.Jeff.

I stared at him blankley, not knowing what he was gonna do.

"P-please! Dont hurt me!" I pleaded. Walking backwords into the kitchen, tripping on the trashcan while doing so. I tried to get behind the counter so hopefully he couldnt get me fast..if he tried.

"You fool!" He scummed at me."Y-you idiot! Do you know what you just did?!", I didn't.

"You ratted me and Jack out? Didn't you!" Just then before i could answer, he charged at me. Pulling out his knife with dried blood.

I covered my face by forming and X with my arms, expecting to be stabbed in the head, but no, it went quiet.

"Jeff! Stop!"...Jack. He was blocking Jeff from killing me, I have never been so happy to see someone I hated.

"What the hell, Jack?!" 

"Jeff. Stp being and idiot? You said you loved her, so why the hell are you gonna kill her?"

"...I never said I lov-" Jack interupted Jeff.

"No. But only because she sneezed." I was still behind Jack, his hands were on the cabinets, an the counter, trapping me behind him. SO, I was right, Jeff did love me but I was confused as shiz.

" you love me?" I said escaping Jack by crawling under his arms. Jeff pulled out his knife again like he was gonna charge, but somehow i knew he wouldn't.

"Busted." JAck said with a smirk and small chuckle.

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