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Adele's POV:

“Shit hide!” Behind the door was out of the option as we both couldn’t fit in there so I dragged her into the shower, putting my hand over her mouth, knowing her she’d scream and run out and hug him, I watched.

“Leave me alone”

“Please just me me talk to you”

“Your going crazy”

“Shes here!” Oh god.

“Even if she was I wouldn’t care” He rolled his eyes “Me and her are history, how many times have I told you?!” He looked at his phone and saw the picture of me and him, god it didn’t turn its self off. He went silent.

“Look! Your even getting upset over a damn picture! You still love her!”

“Babe I love you! Shes long gone! Whats your problem!?”

“My problem is that you talk about her nearly all the time! Maybe like a few times a month but you even say her name in your sleep! In fact you moan it!

“I don’t”

“You don’t realise it!” He rolled his eyes.

“Look im going for a shower if you wanna don’t wanna join me then leave, I’ll meet you back on the bus”

Shit a shower, really? Justin walked over to these buttons on the wall, I squeezed my hand over Megans mouth as he pressed it, turning on the water, she had a muffled scream, thankfully they didn’t hear it, we were now soaked in a second. I removed my hand as I grabbed her and pulled her out of it.

“We cant sit here and watch them two fuck!”

“Shutup” I told her trying to think of something as Shannon was joining him.

I stuck my head round the corner to see them both undressing, my jaw dropped to the floor. “What?” She mumbled and leant over me, her mouth also hung down. God Shannon must be using him for sex aswell, god his body has changed so much, he doesn’t look so week anymore.

“Okay heres the plan when they get in there we run okay?” She was speechless now looking and Justin in only his boxers, Shannon was only in her under pants and bra. 

“O-Okay” She muttered.

Justin and her then walked into the bathroom, I decided it was time to get our soaking wet selves out of here so slowly I got up, Megan following. “I need a souvenir” She whispered, I sighed and looked quickly, grabbing his shirt. 

“Take it” I mumbled before I dragged her out of the room, there must have been water droplets all over the floor. We walked quickly down the hallway and out.

Megan was screaming her head off. “That was the best thing ive done in my life! It was so cool and if you didn’t come I wouldn’t have done that and this night wouldn’t have been the best night of my life”

“Im glad you enjoyed it but lets go home now” 


-1 day later-

Justin’s POV:

Okay my shirts disappearance was slightly weird, Shannon admitted it wasn’t her, it couldn’t have been considering we were in the shower together, but it was strange and it was puzzling me so I asked if I could check the security cameras, alone obviously, there was a camera in the bathroom too.

So I sat down and skipped ahead, it was boring me but then I saw her, it was Megan, the girl I had for one less lonely girl, that explains it. But she was followed by a friend. I didn’t get to see her friends face.

They both looked around my room, obviously my clothes were not there at this moment so it didn’t really make sense. Then I saw her friend on my phone, what does she think shes doing? Megan then walked over and joined her, they talked but then both must have heard me and Shannon coming.

So they turned around, I stopped the video, I knew her face and I saw the screen on my phone. Adele.  Pressing play again, I watched them hide in the bathroom, that means they heard mine and Shannon’s argument, god and the shower, I turned it on with them in it, wow idiot much Justin.

God what have I done?

So I carried on watching, they obviously moved out of the shower, then I saw them with their mouths open, just staring at me, well, and Shannon. Megan maybe more than Adele but I was in shock. Once me and Shannon went into the shower, they took the opportunity to run but they stopped, Adele picked up my shirt and threw it at Megan who had a big smile on her face, I laughed as they walked out.


I deleted it, I couldn’t afford anyone watching these back and seeing what happened in the shower, I’d get killed.

Shannon hasn’t been very happy since yesterday, she told me her and Adele had a talk and she wont be bothering us, I told her to leave Adele alone as she was only there for Megan. I dont know weather Adele knows shes coming on tour again, if Scooter told her.. or not.

 -1 Week Later-

Adele's POV:

 "Im not going, you cant force me" I said, crossing my arms

 "C'mon Adele, 2 months"

"Thats what you said last time and look what happened"

"Im not asking you to marry him just get along with him" Heard that before.

"God if only you knew" I sighed. Ooops.

"Knew what?"


"Adele tell me now"

"It happened like a year or two ago it really doesnt matter now"

"Of course it does! Tell me!"

"R-Ryan used to bully me" He was speechless. "And Chaz" I gulped "A-And Justin"

"Are you joking?"

"No" I mumbled.

"Them boys are dead"

"No! Please, Justin saved me, me and Chaz are totally cool now and uh Ryan, i guess hes a friend"

"W-What do you mean he saved you?"

"I tried to kill myself" I said the quietest ever but he heard.


Aw poor Adele :( Sorry if this chapter was short

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