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Adele's POV:

"Rose really wants you to come round for dinner, do you mind?" I asked.

"I'll come, i guess we can talk about things"

"Thanks" I smiled to myself. "See you later" I said and hung up, i had to stop myself from saying 'Love you' at the end.

"Daddy's coming later!" I said and picked her up, she had a big smile on her face.

"For dinner?"

"Of course hun" I smiled and kissed her head. "Then you'll see him wednesday and thursday too"


"Yes, every week wednesday and thursday"

"Does that mean he can stay round? Or can i stay round his with grandma?"

"Me and daddy need to talk about that okay? Im not promising yet"

"Awh" She frowned as i placed her on the sofa.


I didnt really dress up for dinner, i just put on a dress, it came up to mid thigh and it was a dark blue sort of colour. My hair, was now back brown, i got bored of the blonde and eventually it just washed out even though its a lighter brown now.

"Mommy the door!" Rose screamed as she ran into my bedroom. "Daddy's at the door!"

"He can wait a second baby" I said as i followed her little self down the stairs, i opened the door as Rose jumped on him, he lifted her up and kissed her cheek, thye looked adorable.

"Thanks for coming" I said as he walked in, i shut the door behind them.

"Anything for you" He said, i smiled, but then i realised he was talking to Rose so i shrugged it off.

"Mommy said you can stay round"

"Woah hold up Rose no one said anything about him staying round"

"You said but you didnt promise"

"I said i'd talk to him and you know the spare room isnt ready yet so no"

"He could sleep in your bed" My eyes went big as Justin was holding back a smirk.

"Or he can sleep in the bin now go to the table" I said as they walked off, i could hear the faint laugh of Justin.

I got the food ready on the plates and brought it through. "My favorite" Justin said.

"Actually i cooked it for Rose as its hers"

"Wonder where she got that from" He chuckled. 

I took my seat opposite him, Rose was at the head of the table. "When can we talk?"

"When shes gone to bed, not now" I told him, Rose wasnt really concerntrating but i couldnt risk it and i didnt want it to turn into an argument like usual.


"Mommy can we watch a movie?"

"Not now its late hun and you need to go to bed, say goodnight to daddy" 

"Nu night" She said as she kissed him and walked back over to me with her thumb her her mouth, she sucks it when shes tired.

"Come on then" I said as i picked her up. "You stay here" I said to Justin as i walked off up the stairs with Rose.

I didnt even have to read her a story, she hit the pillow and fell straight asleep, i walked back down the stairs and found Justin on the sofa, i sat next to him.

"So what are we talking about? Rose? Family? You? May-"

"Us" Justin cut me off, i scoffed.

"Us? There is no us, not anymore anyway, you've been gone for all these years and you think you can just come back in like this?!"

"You could of atleast told me i had a child!"

"Dont even bring Rose into this"

"You slept with Harry"

"I did that to protect you!"

"From finding out!"

"I made a mistake! Everyone does!" I paused "Why did you bully me?" I asked, quietly.

"Because.. i was bored"

"See, you havent changed"

"Of course i've changed" He said as he put his hand on my thigh, i flinched. "I promised you forever"

"And you lied"

"I didnt lie" He said as he moved closer to me, i turned to face him.

"What do you want Justin? Me? Rose? Sex?"

"A family and i can only have that with you and Rose"

"Well we dont want you"

"Yes you do"

"No i dont"

"She does"

"But i dont and i think its time for you to leave" I said, my face inches away from his.

"Says who?"

"Me" I growled.

"Admit it"

"Admit what?"

"That you love me"

"I wouldnt love you even if you were the last person on earth, you wanna know why?"


"Because your a dick"

"I really love you" He said more softer than before. "I always have"


"Because i cant stop thinking about you, its like you said before, i can hate you so much, sometimes i could kill you, but i love you, your annoying as fuck and i always think your gonna get fat when you eat too much food but i love you, your perfect" He said as his hand caressed my cheek.

"Why didnt you say this before?"

"I couldnt, i was scared"

"Justin im the one who did wrong, not you, i still hate myself for it"

"Well dont because you dont need too" He said as he looked straight into my eyes, we both leant in to kiss when my phone rung, thank god.

Justin groaned as i pulled away and answered my phone. It was Pattie. "Its your mom she wants you home"

"God its only 9"

"Do you wanna stay round tomorrow?" I asked. "For Rose"

"Only if i get the bed, the bin doesnt sound as comfortable" He laughed.

"You get as far at the sofa" I said as i pushed him up.

"What time you want me to come over?"

"Anytime, Rose will probably wake me at like 6" He laughed.

"See you tomorrow then" He smiled and kissed me on my cheek, i felt butterflies in my stomach as i waved him goodbye. If he felt the same..


Is she falling for him one more time?

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