Truth or dare

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Adele's POV:

"Okay firstly Caitlin is meant to be in here and secondly get dressed" Pattie told us, Justin threw me one of is shirts which i threw over my head as i just sat up on the bed.

"Where were you Justin?"

"I just took a walk"

"You must be hungry right?"

"No mom im fine you can leave now" She sighed.

"Both of you up at 9 tomorrow, boat riding" She smiled "And to make this clear i will let you stay here Justin, i wont tell Scooter but i swear if we hear anything your both dead and you'll be doing more than just cleaning the house"

"Yeah yeah mom" Justin laughed.

"Night guys" She said as she walked out, Justin shut the door.

"Oops" I giggled.

"Now what shes gone, where were we?" He asked as he walked back over to the bed, connecting his lips back with mine.

"You heard her, we cant Justin"

"We'll just tape your mouth shut?" He chuckled. "Im joking just be quiet" He smiled and kissed my lips once more as we laid back down on the bed...


"So what was all that last night?" Caitlin budged my arm.

"What are you talking about?" I said, trying to eat my pancake.

"You want me to act it out? Okay well-"

"No no, how do you know?"

"We could hear you from a mile away" She giggled.

"Shit you think Pattie and Scooter heard?"

"No they seem in a good mood so i guess not, Christian slept through the whole of it you guys kept me awake"

"Im sorry" I laughed.

"Its fine, we leave in half an hour"

"What?" I sighed I still have to get ready, i rolled my eyes and ran off back to my little place, i found Justin, dressed and laying on the bed.

"You know Caitlin heard us?"

"I told you to be quiet, does my mom know?"

"Nah i dont think so, Chris slept through it all" He laughed.

"Thats surprising" He chuckled and got up, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Justin let go i need to get ready" I said, pulling away from him and getting my clothes out my case.

"Can i pick your bikni?"

"Who says i wanna wear one?"

"Well your hardly gonna go swimming naked" I shrugged.

"Might do with Caitlin" I winked.

"Totally with a 13 year old on the boat"

"Just lock him in the cabin i dont know" I giggled

So Justin picked this purple strapless bikini, i wore this over the top; I quickly done my hair and makeup before i was being dragged out because we had to get there.

"Sleep well?" Justin asked Christian, i had to contain my laughter.

"Yeah i guess. why?" Me and Caitlin just looked at each other, giggling.

"Oh just wondering" 

"Right guys we're just dropping you off, we expect you off that boat at 7 and here so we can pick you up alright?"

"Yeah we got it"

"And no funny business" Pattie said.

"And i dont want you near that alcohol Adele"

"Trust me, never again" I rolled my eyes and looked at Justin, he laughed.

We all got out the car and watched them drive away. Today was going to be one of a kind.


"Del put me down!" Chris screamed as i hung him over the side of the boat. "I'll do anything!"

"Anything?" I smirked.

"Look i didnt mean it"

"Hmm fine, Caitlin would shout at me anyway" I giggled and put him back on his feet.

"Where is Caitlin anyway?"

"Not sure probably inside with Justin, c'mon" I said as we walked inside, they were sitting on the sofa playing snap, wow.

"Caitlin you wanna go swimming?"

"I do" Justin said.

"Girls only" 

"Pfft" Christian laughed.

"Yeah sure" Caitlin smiled and followed me outside. "I see you didnt throw Chris overboard"

"No i couldnt" I laughed.

"I wouldnt have minded"

"What a nice sister you are" I giggled. 

We took off our clothes and were left in our bikini's as we jumped into the water causing a big splash, we screamed.

"Wow" Caitlin laughed, i smiled.

We swam about in the clear blue waters, laughing and just having fun till i noticed the two boys standing at the edge of the boat, i swam back over to Caitlin as we stared up at them.

"Can we help you?" I shouted.

"Can we join you?"



"You dont touch me, clear?"

"What sort of question is that?" I shrugged.

"You coming or what?" Me and Caitlin laughed, they nodded and within seconds they were in the water.

I nearly drowned both me and Chris but we saved ourselves. We gave each other piggy back rides, when i was on Caitlin's back the boys thought it was strange so they seperated. Justin tried to touch me but i just pushed him away, he groaned every time, rules are rules.

Later on Chris and Caitlin got out and went inside to dry off, i stayed in the sea, surprisingly Justin also got out so i was alone, it wasnt long before Justin walked back out and stood at the side of the deck.

"What now?" I asked him.

"We're gonna play a game if you wanna come?"

"Yeah yeah course" I said as i got myself out and dried myself off best i could. "So whats the game?"

"Truth or dare"

"Okay" I said as i took at seat.

I wasnt sure how this would turn out with Chris being here, him only 13.

"Okay Chris first, truth or dare?" Caitlin asked him.

"Dare" She smirked and looked at me.

"I dare you to lick alcohol off of Adele's stomach" I froze.

"H-Hes old enough to drink alcohol?"

"Hes got drunk many times before" Caitlin chuckled, C'mon" She said as we got up, i didnt even want to see Justin's expression.


Oh no, hows truth or dare gonna turn out?

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