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Adele's POV:

On the plane i sat between Justin and Christian, Caitlin was on the otherside of Chris. "I've missed you so much"

"Same its been ages!" I giggled.

Justin just sat there on his phone texting people, he was ignoring me so i jsut ignored him.  Icaught up with Chris, its so good talking to him. 

"Who you texting?" I asked Justin.

"No one" He obviously was.

"I know you are i can see" I said taking his phone out of his hands.

"Hey give it back!" He said, trying to get it back from me.

"Whats your problem?" I sighed, trying to read his texts, all i read was that he was texting Ryan and Chaz, i didnt really care that much i just wanted to piss him off.

"I havent got a problem!" He said as he grabbed me and pulled me on to his lap, not before he started tickling me.

"Justin stop!" I screamed, thankfully Chaz and Caitlin were down back getting some drinks. 

"Give my phone back!"

"Are you hiding something or what?!"

"No!" He said and grabbed it back, finally he stopped tickling me, i was laying on his lap, i sighed to myself.

"Justin.." I said sweetly.

"What do you want?"

"For you to tell me whats wrong"

"Babe nothings wrong" I sighed.


"Am not" I rolled my eyes and tried to sit up but he held me down.

"Justin let go they'll be back soon"

"So?" He shurgged, i sat up on his lap as he tried to kiss me but i pulled away. "I'll let you go if you kiss me"


"Please?" He said with his puppy dog eyes.

I sighed and pecked his lips, he grinned as i hit him round the head and took my seat again, Chris and Caitlin returned straight after. There was definetly something wrong with Justin and i couldnt figure out what it was. Once we reached hawaii we went straight to our villas, they were amazing. 

They were like little homes on this board walk, mine oppostie Caitlin's. I found it slightly strange how uncle was sharing a room with Pattie, that wasnt even near ours. We got our stuff in our rooms, it looked so beautiful here, i could just stay here forever.

"Justin seriously whats going on? You've been on that phone the whole flight"

"Nothings going on alright? Im fine just leave it"  He said storming out the room.

You know what i dont get? One minute he wants me, im his everything and now he just walks away like nothing happened. I have a surprise for him tonight, well if he cheers up. Does he have a problem with me?

We all got settled in, well Justin seemed to walk off along the beach, no one had seen him since we arrived, Pattie said just leave him to come back. We ate dinner and still no sign of Justin.

"What did you do?" Chris and Caitlin asked me once i was in my room.

"Nothing! Hes got a problem with me or something! Hes been like this all morning and im sick of it" I sighed.

"Aw Del" Chris said and gave me a massive hug with Caitlin, i smiled weakly.

"Do you guys think its me?"

"No, most likely Chris" Caitlin said.

"What?" Me and Christian said at the same time.

"He gets jealous really easily, you know that right?"

"God we're only good friends, right Chris?" He laughed and nodded slowly, i giggled and rolled my eyes. "Its not like he can stop me from seeing him because i couldnt live without you" I said grabbing him and giving him a bear hug.

"Del- too- tight"

"Sorry" I laughed and let him go.

I dont see why Justin should be jealous i mean, Chris is 13, im 16, that seems slightly strange. Chris is a good friend, hes been there for me better than Justin all these years, hes one of my bestest friends and i dont know what i'd do without him.

"Thats why i broke up with him, hes over protective, hes always pissed off at something and he gets jealous as soon as a boy walks past you"

"Im sure he'll change"

"Just warning you"

We heard a creak of the door as we all looked up to see Justin standing in the doorway, a frown on his face, i sighed. "We'll leave you two alone" Caitlin said as they both got up, both of them giving me and hug before they walked out, shutting the door.

"Where have you been?!" I hissed.

"The beach" He said as he walked over and began undressing.

"You could of at least told us, Pattie's been going crazy"

"Well im back now so what does it matter?" I rolled my eyes and laid down on the bed on my back.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him again, he ignored me. "Is it me? Im sorry i cant talk to another boy without someone getting jealous"

"Im not jealous"

"Just admit it, its obvious Justin" I told him as i got up and walked into the bathroom.

That lingerie Justin got me a while back, i was gonna put it on, since Justin's like this i dont know. I put it on anyway and opened up the door, Justin was laying on the bed, not on his phone surprisingly. His back to me. 

I slowly walked over, trying not to creak the wooden floorboards too much. I crawled across the bed and sat up next to him. "Justin" I said, trying to get him to turn round.

"Im tired just go to sleep"

"God sorry for trying" I sighed and got off the bed, i got span back around when he grabbed my wrists.

"Im sorry" He mumbled.

"Course you are" I rolled my eyes.

He ran his hands up my sides and down my thighs. "I told you you'd looked perfect" He said, kissing my stomach, i smiled weakly.

"Justin Chris is just a good friend okay? Just stop being so jealous alright?" He nodded and cupped my face, smashing his lips on mine as we fell back on the bed.

Justin then flipped us so he was on top, he began sucking on my neck as i ran my fingers through his hair, just as things were getting heated Pattie walked through the door. I was stiff i really couldnt believe this, it didnt help that Justin was in just his boxers. Justin seemed to freeze too, both of us staring at Pattie.


Pattie's walked in, oh no, and they're not even meant to be in the same room haha. Justin is already jealous of chris on the first day how will the rest go?

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